Sherlock: Join Me

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You paced back and forth in your brothers office waiting for Sherlock to arrive. Your brother is Detective Inspector Lestraud. There's been a murder on the Thames, a brute of a man found dead on the shore.

"Greg why don't we just go to the scene without Sherlock? You know that I can deduce just as well as him." Your brother sighed heavily and placed his hands on you shoulders. "(Y/N), we've already discussed this. If someone finds out about your, ability, you'll have people after you. As your older brother I will not let that happen."

You sighed and looked at the doorway as the infamous Sherlock Holmes and his trusty sidekick John Watson stood. "Nice to see you again (Y/N)"

You stood stiff as he hugged you lightly "nice to see you again John." He gave a smile and nod before you adverted your eyes to the consulting detective who was still staring at you.

"Sherlock, are you alright?" John said as he turned to Sherlock, who abruptly grabbed his wrist and pulled it just outside the office.

(Sherlocks POV)
"Sherlock what the hell is the matter with you?" I looked down at him and shook his shoulders. "I can't deduce her, John!"

"You're getting your knickers in a twist because you can't deduce someone? Shameful" he muttered with a hint of irritation in his voice.

"You don't get it, John. Never have I had a problem deducing anyone! Never!" I groaned with frustration as I tried to piece her together.

John led me back into the office and I approached (Y/N). "Why can't I deduce you?"

(Y/N} POV)

"Why can't I deduce you?" He stood over you and stared intently into your eyes, trying to figure you out. You smirked and stepped away from him "I guess that's for you to find out, Mr. Holmes."


You stood next to your brother as you watched Sherlock carefully inspect the mans body. You chuckled to yourself as you watched him piece it all together, even though you had already figured it out without inspecting thoroughly.

Sherlocks head whipped to you quickly, "what are you laughing at?" You looked at Sherlock, and then your brother. He gave you a quizzical look before you decided against your brothers wishes.

"Age 32. Security guard. Spent an equal amount of time on both his arse and his feet. Bruises around the head, broken nose. I also watched you pull out ticket stubs from the mans pocket, which means that he is either working at a gallery or museum. The bruises on the head indicate that he was attacked by the Gollem. Which means the man knew something that he shouldn't have, and someone had him taken out. Tonight is the revealing of the 1960s missing painting that suddenly was rediscovered. Which means the painting was a fake and he knew."

You sucked in a breath as you finished and looked at the dynamic duo. Both Sherlock and John looked at you with their jaws dropped.

"How did you-" you laughed "I, like Sherlock, have the ability of deduction." You brother grabbed your arm angrily "what did I tell you? I do not want you getting yourself in trouble like him!" He shoved his thumb in Sherlocks direction who's eyes were lit up with fascination.

"You cannot control my bloody life Greg, maybe I want the adventure!" Your brother fumed and stepped away from you before he blew up. "Come with me" Sherlock ran up to you and looked into your eyes.

"W-what?" He smirked and grabbed your cheek "come with me." "Why?" You challenged, unsure of what this sudden sentiment from Sherlock.

"Because never in my life have I met someone like me. Someone who understands. I've known you for several months, I've watched you. You fascinate me."

You would be lying if you said you didn't fall in love with Sherlock. You fell in love with this sociopath so long ago.

"Will you come with me (Y/N)?" He caressed you cheek gently, you involuntarily leaning into his touch.

You closed your eyes and took in his scent, appreciating the gentle smell of his cologne. After a minute, Sherlocks smile faltered, afraid that he had scared you off.

You opened your eyes and smiled up at the poor sod "I will."

Sherlocks eyes lit up with joy and he smashed his lips to yours. Your eyes widened but soon faltered as your became lost in his kiss.

He pulled away breathless and placed his forehead against yours "I'm afraid I feel sentiment for you."

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