Mycroft: Christmas Complexity.

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(Here's to the countdown! )

Mycroft and I sat in the bitter silence of his study, the only being the clock ticking unbearably slow. The days seem to be passing slowly, only worsening my want for escape.

Mycroft has been unbelievably busy these last few months, working at the Queens side. I spend my days sulking around the manor. The absence of my husband has left a void in my heart.

When I do get time with Mycroft, it is typically spent like this. Eating our morning meals in the cold silence of his study as he slaves over papers.

But when you marry one of the most important people in the country it's to be expected.

I stared down at the book, the words seeming to be out of focus. Heat burning my hand from its firm grip around the tea glass.

I unnerving sound of the clocks ticks echo in my head and I feel as if I were going mad. This is what our marriage has become.

I jump as I hear the shatter of glass, looking down to find my tea glass in smithereens. Mycroft looked at me for a moment, but his eyes soon fleet back to his papers.

I sigh and get up, heading for the door. I wait for him to say something, anything, but he does not. A hot tear escapes as I open the door and exit the study.

I brush the tear away angrily and call for the maid. Soon I see her bustling into the hallway, a broom and dustpan in hand. "I dropped my glass on accident love. Could you clean it please?" "Absolutely, Mrs. Holmes."

I smile sadly and turn to walk only to be interrupted by her soft voice. "If it is not out of my place, my lady, are you alright? You've been so, cold, lately. Ever since Mr. Holmes became absent."

I open my mouth and see her cringe, as if I were to yell at her. "Dear lady, I will not yell at you. It is not out of place, don't you worry."

"I beg to differ" the stern voice of my husband calls from behind. I turn, the young girls arm in mine, to face my husband.

He stood with a stern face, his hands balled into fists in his pockets. "You do not ask personal questions. It is not your place!" He yelled and the girl jumped and nodded sadly.

"Go clean the mess" he growled and she rushed off to the study.

Then stood Mycroft and I at opposite ends of the hallway. Our icy stares chilling the atmosphere to the bone. "Do not yell at her Mycroft, she is a young girl. She knows no bounds!"

His jaw set and he came to me, grabbing my forearm tightly in his grasp.  I cry out in immediate pain as he drags me up the stairs to our bedroom. "Let go of me you bollock!"

He doesn't let up and he shoves me into the room, him entering and slamming the door behind him.
"What the bloody hell was that for!" I yell rubbing my arm as it numbs.

"We will not fight in front of them! You need to know your place woman!"

"My place!? You mean as your wife! The one whom you've forgotten about! I can't take the silence anymore Mycroft! I can't take the empty nights and the emotionless mornings anymore! I WANT A DIVORCE!"

Tears rush from my eyes as I stare at the now limp, dead eyed Mycroft. The anger faded from his eyes and the tension released from his jaw. He dare not meet my eye as he nods "as you wish."

He turns and walks for the door before saying one last thing. "Pack your things, I will have a home set up for you within the hour."

With that he exited the room and I collapsed to the floor, burying my face in the hands. He wanted me gone, that's why he's been so distant. He has had many an opportunity to speak to me throughout the last few months but he refused to.

This where our story ends.


I stood on the doorstep of my new home, it equaling in size to Mycroft's. I open the doors to find a whole staff smiling at me. I look at each of them only for my eyes to land on the young girl from this morning.

"Welcome, My lady. I am Gerard, the head butler. We have set up the home for you, as well as taken your personal items and placed them in their appropriate places."

"Thank you, Gerard. Thank you all for your work." I smile sadly and shake Gerard's hand. He shakes it in return and turns to shoo away the rest of the staff. They all turn and flood into their working spaces throughout the manor.

"May I take your coat Madame?" "Yes, thank you." I slide off my coat and hand it to him. He smiles and walks to place it in the coat room.

I sigh and walk up the stairs to find the bedroom. All

I want to do now is sleep.

I find the master room and slide off the rest of my outer clothes.  I set them at the foot of the bed and crawl in.

This wouldn't be the first night I sleep alone.


(Time skip brought to you by the blog of Watson) (1 month later, Christmas Eve)

I haven't heard from or seen Mycroft since the day I left. It's been surprisingly miserable but good. I've really loosened up as a person. I've even become good friends with Sherlock and John, whom Mycroft refused to let me befriend.

Currently, I'm having a little get together here at the manor. I invited just a few good friends from previous and current relations. Those of which include Sherlock, John, Lestrade, and Molly. Sherlock and John also brought along Mrs. Hudson and Mary.

We sit around the fireplace drinking and laughing. I've never seen John and Sherlock so loose before.
"You should drink more often, Sherlock."
He chuckled and looked at the contents of his glass "I agree. I feel magnificent."

I jump as I hear rushing up the stairs and shouting. I turn and freeze. My eyes meet those of the older Holmes brother.

Everyone silenced and looked at me and Mycroft. "Why are you here." I said softly, the wine glass slipping from my now numb fingers. The glass shatters on the marble floor, causing everyone to look at me.

Mycroft placed his hand out to me and I shook my head. "You need to leave, Mycroft. You are not welcome." "Listen to her brother." "Shut up Sherlock." He snapped causing Sherlock to chuckle.

"I need to speak with you. " he said sternly, his hand still out for me. I look at everyone before I sigh and get up, letting him lead me into my study.

"What do you-" I was silenced by his lips. I shove him off  and step away. "What makes you think that you can just come back here and kiss me? You confirmed the divorce Mycroft. You wanted me gone and you got what you wanted. So why are you back here?"

"I know what I did. I was just so angry because I knew you were right. But I let my pride get the best of me and I let you go. You know how my job is, but I love you. You are my heart and soul and I know that didn't say it enough. Please don't leave me. Don't finalize the divorce. Stay. Please."

By the time he finished, we both were drowning in tears. I can't say no to him. I love him too much to say no.

"I'll stay." I mutter and he pulls me into a tight hug.

"I promise I'll be around more. I'll be the best husband I can be. I-" "oh shut up and kiss me Mycroft."

I grab his coat collar and pull him to me. His lips hungrily attack mine as he lifts me and puts me on the desk.

"I love you Mycroft."

(I'll leave your imagination to figure out what happens next 😏😉)

(Wow that was a little long. I hope you guys enjoyed it. Requests are open! Feel free to PM Me for a personal!)

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