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(Here you are the twin sister of John, but for the sake of the story you are known as Veronica Watson)

Sherlock was lying across the green couch as usual, his icy blue eyes staring straight up at the ceiling but his body never moving an inch. John was in his own chair, flipping through a newspaper when he felt a vibration in his pocket. He retrieved his mobile from the depths of his pants pocket and read the text message that was waiting for him.

"Back in town, meet me at the coffee shop in 5- VW"

A smile slowly formed across John's caring face. He stood up and grabbed his coat, slipping it on and backing out the door.

"I'm going out," he called to Sherlock before he shut the door. Sherlock paid no attention to John as he continued to lie silently on the couch.
You looked around the shop as you sat at a table near the window, waiting for John. You sipped at the hot coffee you had in your hands, the smell of the sugar filling your nose. You smiled when you saw him walk through the door. When he saw you sitting alone you jumped up quickly and ran into his arms, his own quickly wrapping around you in response.

"J! I've missed you so much!"

"I've missed you too, V!" John said with a wide smile. "It's nice to see my  sister again, how was France?"

You both released from the hug and you resumed your seat at the table. John joined you, eager to hear about your latest adventures. You never stayed in one place very long, a few months at the most. You were a traveler; you'd seen so many different countries and learned so many languages. But you always made time to come back to London and see your big brother. You'd often stay with John on your visits, and that's how you became acquainted with his sociopath flat-mate, Sherlock Holmes. Sherlock enjoyed your presence, though he would never admit it. You were as much a little sister to him as you were to John, and it wasn't uncommon for you to accompany the boys on cases during your visits.

"It was great, J! French is such a wonderful language, rolls off the tongue so smoothly," you chuckled, your glowing hazel eyes reflecting true happiness.

John smiled at the single-letter nickname you had given him when you were a child. It had been about 5 months since he had seen you last. You and he were similar in many ways, the same sandy-blonde colored hair and the same shade of the blue in the eyes.  You had similar personalities; rough on the outside but sweet and caring on the inside. There only seemed to be slight differences between you and your brother, like how his hair was blended with a soft gray color and yours with a soft brown, and how his eyes were a pure blue and yours were a colorful hazel.

"So how long are you here before you're off to another country?"

"Well that's the thing," you started. "I'm not traveling anymore."

John gave you a surprised look, "You're not? But that's all you've done your entire life."

You gave your brother a warm smile, "I know. But I think it's time for a change."

"Wow, what are you going to do then?"

"I was wondering if I could stay with you and Sherlock."

"V, you know you're welcome to stay with us anytime."

"When I say stay, I mean permanently," you pressed.

John expression hardened, "You know I won't mind, V. But I think this is something you'll need to talk to Sherlock about."

Contrary to John's hardened expression, yours softened as you jumped up from your seat and threw your coffee cup into the nearest bin. You grabbed John by the wrist and pulled him out the doors, your curly hair, which you kept up in a ponytail with a few loose curls to frame your face, bounced all the while.

"Well what are we waiting for?" You yelled as you led the way to 221B Baker Street.
As you and John walked into the flat, Sherlock was sitting in his chair glaring at John as he walked in.

"John, where have you been? I've been asking you for tea for 10 minutes," Sherlock stated flatly.

"I've been gone for 20 minutes, Sherlock," John replied.

You decided now was a good time to let Sherlock know you were here, so you walked into the flat from behind John and plopped down on the couch. John went to the kitchen to make tea for the 3 of you.

Sherlock turned his gaze to you, allowing a small smile to grace his lips.

"Hello, Veronica."

You smiled at Sherlock, "Hey Sherly, long time no see."

Sherlock rolled his eyes at the nickname you had given him. Although he detested the shortened version of name, he allowed you and only you to call him it.

"The answer is yes," Sherlock said as he leaned back into his chair, his gaze traveling to the ceiling as he quickly ruffled his black, curly hair.

You smiled. Sherlock could read you like an open book, for the most part. You were clever and cunning, one of the reasons Sherlock took a liking to you. You used logic and reasoning to come up with answers and your mind was strong. If you didn't want Sherlock to know something, he wouldn't know.

"You don't even know what I was going to ask," you played.

John walked back in from the kitchen, he handed a mug of tea to both you and Sherlock before taking a seat beside you on the couch with his own mug.

Sherlock shot you a slight smirk, knowing you were only playing with him, "You were going to ask if you could move in with John and I. You have made the decision to halt your traveling and you want to stay here, and the answer is yes."

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