Hostage Situation (SHERLOCK)

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Sherlock was busy in the kitchen, experimenting with a head he had kept in the refrigerator for a few days, John was sitting in his chair, laptop in his lap as he blogged about some of their recent cases, and then there was you. You sat cross-legged on the couch as you read a book, Oliver Twist, a classic novel by your favorite author, Charles Dickens. You seemed like a quiet trio of friends, but anyone who knew you better, like Mrs. Hudson or Lestrade or even Mycroft, knew that all three of you were a bomb waiting to go off. Sherlock as the world's only consulting detective, a perfect career he made up for himself. John was a retired war veteran with a psychosomatic limp. And you were the wayward child; you had never fit in anywhere unless you were with your other half, John. Taking a closer look at you revealed that you were a beautiful lady, same age as John, and you had delicate curves and a soft face. You had sandy blonde hair and a pixie haircut, your eyes a shimmering blue. You were short, but stood right under John's height. Anyone who saw you both together could tell that you and John were twins.


Back when John had first enlisted into the military, it broke your heart. The two of you had never spent more than a couple days apart. But you both decided that it was time to try something new, so when he enlisted you moved to France. It wasn't until you received a letter that he was medically discharged that you finally decided to call him. Neither of you spoke during your time apart, though you always thought about one another. You had a sort of twin telepathy that made your sibling bond stronger than anything. John was back in London, he was searching for a flat-mate. You wished him the best of luck, as you had a home and a job in France and couldn't afford to leave and accompany your twin. You kept in touch and learned that he had found a flat-mate, Sherlock Holmes. He told you all about him, and you read John's blog. Many months had passed since John and Sherlock moved in together, and you had been planning on moving back to London. Your preparations had been made, and you traveled to London. Your full intent was to surprise John, which you did when you came knocking on the door of 221B.

Sherlock was surprised, he deduced from John that he had two sisters, but he had never realized that he had a twin sister. You moved in with Sherlock and John, and Sherlock found you useful on cases, which was one of the reasons he actually took a liking to you. Everyone you met easily bonded with you, you were a likable personality. You had even been asked out by some of the boys from Scotland Yard; Lestrade and Anderson. When you had told Sherlock about it, he nearly vomited from hearing that Anderson had the nerve to ask you out. Of course, you kindly declined both of them.

Sherlock would never admit it, but he had taken quite a liking to you. You were definitely a female version of John, acting just like him in almost every way. But there were noticeable differences between you, like the fact that John got flustered easily but you always kept your cool and tried to work things out. Both you and John had huge, caring hearts, which Sherlock of course didn't understand. Mycroft always taught him that caring wasn't an advantage. You and John were Sherlock's friends, that was obvious, but he would never vocalize it. But you meant something more to Sherlock than even John.


You set aside your novel when you noticed that Sherlock was now standing in the kitchen doorway, mobile in his hand as he stared down at it blankly.

"What's wrong, Sherly?" you asked in your sweet, delicate voice. You had given Sherlock this nickname a few weeks after you moved in, you knew he didn't like it but he would never protest its use unless anyone other than you attempted to call him by it.

Sherlock quickly shoved him mobile back into his pocket, "Nothing."

Now John looked up from his laptop and glanced over at Sherlock, "Is it something to do with Moriarty?"

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