Moriarty: A Surprisingly Normal Christmas

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Jim sat in the living room playing with our husky Max. I'm surprisingly seemed to be in the Christmas spirit. He hasn't once brought up going after Sherlock and Watson. Or taking down the British military/government.

I smiled and came into the living space with our tea. Jim looked up at me with the eyes of a child as I handed him his cup.

"Thank you my love." He kissed my cheek and I grinned at him.

Unexpectedly, he pulled me into him lap, causing Max to bark at him. "My mommy" he cooed at Max, who just whined and bit down on my pant leg, pulling at it.

I laughed and kissed jim softly before sitting on the floor. Max barked happily and jumped about before attacking me with licks.

"Awh no fair!" Jim whined setting him cup down on the side table. "We'll get your arse down here."

He chuckled and sat next to me, scratching behind Max's ear. Max leaned into his scratches, tapping his paws on the ground in joy.

From the other room I could hear the phone ringing. I knew that was probably one of Jims minions telling him that they've spotted Sherlock.

But instead of getting up to get it, Jim stayed in his place. Typically he would drop what he's doing and rush to the phone. There have even been times where he's thrown me off his lap to get the phone.

"Aren't you going to answer that?" I looked over at him with a questioning glance. He shook his head "why would I? I want to spend Christmas with my wife. Nothing is more important than that right now."

My eyes widened in shock and he laughed, pulling me to him. He wrapped him left arm around me and held my right hand in his. Max crawled onto our laps and laid down. I laid my head on his shoulder and gave a soft kiss to his jaw before I felt a smile spread across his lips.

So we sat there, holding each other in front of the fireplace with Christmas carols playing in the background. No Sherlock. No fights. Just us.


Hours later we found ourselves nude and entangled in each other's arms. I hear soft breathless chuckle erupt from Jim and I can't help but to grin.

"It gets better every time." He mutters, kissing the top of my head. "I can't help but to agree."

Soon the only sound is little Max pawing from the other side of the door.

I turn at look up at Jim, whose eyes are fixed on the ceiling.

"Why can't it be like this all the time Jim?" I mutter softly, biting my lip soon after. Jim has a temper like no other man alive, you have to watch what you say.

"Because I have a business to run." He shot back. I sighed and nodded in response. I choose to say no more and let the conversation die.


I awake the next morning to find the other side of the bed empty, which doesn't surprise me.

I look at the foot of the bed to see Max chewing on his bone. I smile sadly at him and get out of bed, tying my robe around my body.

When I walk about of the bedroom I'm drawn by the rich smell of eggs and bacon.

When I walk into the living space I find Jim sitting at with two plates and cups of tea. He gets up from his seat, wrapping his arms around my waist. I chuckle and peck his lips softly.

"You didn't have to make me breakfast love." He smirks and kisses my nose "I know. But I wanted to make my wife a little thank you breakfast."

"Thank you breakfast? What for?" "For dealing with me. I'm never home and you spend all your time with Max. And when I am home I'm always busy or angry. You never ask questions. You sit silently and stay amongst yourself. I'm sorry that I am never around. It isn't fair to you."

I smile sadly and hug him once more, laying my head on his shoulder. He sways us side to side, dancing to the silence that fills the room.

"Don't thank him love. I would put up with it without choice. I love you, and everything about you. Sure I wish we could spend more time together. But if we can't then I will cherish the moments I do get with you."

He pulls me away from him and holds my shoulders gently. "I promise, as soon as I am done with Sherlock it will be just us. We will run away. Explore the world." He kissed my cheek softly "because I love you too."

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