24 Hour Silence (Jim)

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He has been out for far too long and this was making you very worried. It wasn't like Jim to be gone like this. Normally, you'd come home and find him reading in the living room or playing his troubles away. Currently, he hasn't answered his phone and your mind is racing.

The reason for this was because you're afraid of being home alone, particularly at night.

From the time you were eight-years-old, you had always been fearful of what happened in the dark. Of course, you used the lights to your advantage, but you didn't receive the same reassurance that a person in the room would give you.

Not only that, but it was raining cats and dogs and a thunderstorm was beginning to brew.

What was taking him so long?

You wrap yourself with a blanket and waddle to the living room, planting your body on the leather sofa.

The minutes go by as you flip through the channels, unable to find anything to entertain you. However, once you do, the claps of thunder and lightning ruin your chance to get calm by causing a major blackout.

"Crap..." You curse yourself.

Should've known better, especially in this kind of weather.

Here you are, a human burrito, frozen to the couch in fear. You could watch a movie on your phone, but you left it in the bedroom.

You can't read unless you go find the candles and there was no way in hell you'd go wandering for them.

It grows silent as all you get is the quiet pitter-patter of the rain and the booms of thunder growing.

"J-Jim... " You mutter sadly, fisting a handful of the blanket.

*The Next Morning*

You don't get much sleep due to the excessive amounts of fear building up and the constant searching for some kind of hope.

Ugh, this fear was going to kill you one of these days.

"I'm home, (y/n)!"

Is that him?

Hurriedly, you race to hallway and find him shaking his umbrella towards the open doorway.

"Sorry for getting back so late, dear. The boys kept me-... Oof!" You tackle him against the wall, squeezing him with all your might.

Jim happily wraps his arms around you and rests his chin on top of your head.

"Glad to see you're doing fine. Did you miss me?" His words come out breathlessly, but comfortingly.

You nod shakily, but don't make a noise.

When he pulls back, his playful mood is gone.

You're crying into his chest and having an ensuing panic attack.

"(y/n), did somebody hurt you? I'll have their head if they did."

You shake your head, looking up at him.

Worry and stress are written all over his face.

"N-No... It was the storm and it was dark and you weren't home and I was home alo-" He kisses your forehead, pressing your head against his shoulder.

"Oh, shoot. You had to survive the storm all alone.... Aww, sweetheart, I'm terribly sorry. I forgot all about it. "

His warm brown eyes bear into your, begging you for forgiveness.

Your heart melts.

"J-Jim, please-" He cuts you off by gently kissing your lips, running a hand through your (h/c) locks.

As he draws back, you sniffle again, only to feel a smile break onto your lips.

"A-Alright, I'm grateful you're here.... Now, umm, could you do something for me?"

He grins, "Anything for you, darling."

Your finger immediately points in the direction of the bedroom.

"C-Could you kill the spider in the bathroom?"

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