Cold Hands (John)

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(Requested One-Shot for Sarah ❤️)

John's head popped up as he heard the door rattle and then slowly open. "Sarah! Did you get the milk?"

    Sarah glanced over at him, giving him a small smile and showing him the bag that held the milk. She noticed Sherlock staring at the bullet hole that was scarred the wall, it seemed that he was unaware of her presence. "Milk was the only thing we needed, right?" she asked as she opened the fridge and put the milk next to the head that sat in the fridge. Living with Sherlock makes anyone used to unusual things.

    Sarah walked back into the room, watching John and Sherlock bicker with each other.

    "We have to take this case," John spoke, shaking his head at Sherlock's behavior.

    "Boring," Sherlock simply said causing John to let out an agitated sigh.

    John turned to her, "Sarah, why don't the two of us take on this case. You're a detective, too."

    "What's the case about?" she asked, taking a seat on the couch. Sherlock didn't pay any attention to the both of them. He was in one of his moods again.

    "About five girls have so far went missing at a nightclub called Cherry Lips on 10th street, but they reappeared a few days later with no memory about those days," John explained, reading off his notecard.

    "Sounds good enough," she replied, she was desperate for a case. She needed something to distract from everything that was going on.

    Sherlock let out a loud groan before sitting up, "Fine, I'll check out Cherry Lips and John and you can go talk to the victims."

    John nodded, giving her a smile. He was excited to spend the day with her. They grabbed their coats and quickly exited the apartment, halting two separate taxis.

    "We'll see you soon, Sherlock," John spoke as he climbed into the taxi after her.

    Sherlock nodded, before climbing into his taxi and heading west while John and Sarah headed east.

    "The first girl who went missing was Alisha Fitch," John told her, before giving the driver the address.

    John noticed that Sarah was silent, he glanced at her dull expression and pale skin tone. "You alright?"

    She snapped out of her thoughts, flashing John a smile. "Of course! I'm just tired."

    John nodded, not entirely convinced since it was still one in the afternoon.

    The taxi driver arrived at Alisha's house, which was a cute little light blue house. John and Sarah stepped out of the taxi, paying for the taxi before walking over to the front door. John rang the doorbell before waiting for someone to open the door.

    The slowly opened to reveal a small woman with light blonde hair and bright blue eyes, her lips were painted a dimmed red and she wore a small floral dress. "Good evening, can I help you?"

    "We're here about the case, Miss Fitch," John spoke and realization set in her face. She nodded, letting the two of them in.

    "Can you answer a few questions?" Sarah asked the woman who nodded, the smile still on her face. "What were you doing at Cherry Lips?"

    "I was there with a few friends," she answered. "I had just broken up with my boyfriend and they decided to take me out."

    "Can you give us the names of the friends and your ex-boyfriend?" John asked.

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