John: Christmas Complications

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(This takes place during The Study in Pink. We're just gonna say that it was during Christmas for the sake of having something interesting thrown in)

Currently I sit in the back of a cab on my way to a Christmas get together at Sherlock and Johns. John seemed a bit reluctant when Sherlock had asked me to come for this. I've been a colleague of Sherlock for a little over a year or so.

Him and I shared a flat before I moved out and John moved in. I can tell you right now that I do not miss hearing his endless violin playing in the early hours of the morning.

Sherlock, John, and I work on cases together. It's been quite the adventure since John's joined us. He completes the other half of missing life in our trio. Sherlock cracks a witty joke every now and again, but John and I try to keep the humor alive.

Unfortunately I was not around when the current case came about, so I am no use to the group.

I glance down at my phone as it buzzed.

'Are you almost here or what? SH'

I rolled my eyes at his impatience and texted back.

'I'm just around the corner, Sherlock. Don't get your knickers in a bunch.'

But when I looked up from my phone, Baker Street was no where in sight. In fact, we were on the opposite side of London.

I sat forward and slid open the plastic barrier separating me and the Cabbie. "Excuse me sir. But I said Baker Street in Westminster."

"I know."

"Then why are we here?" I demanded.

"Because I have a proposition for you."

"And what would that be?"

"You just wait and see."


(John's POV)
I tapped my foot impatiently, waiting for (Y/N) to walk through the door. She was supposed to be here 30 minutes ago and she is no where to be seen.

I walked over to Sherlock and pulled him aside. "Sherlock, she was supposed to be here already."

"I know." He said softly, looking back outside. I waited a moment before reality hit me. "Sherlock. Did she take a cab?"

"Yes, but why does that- oh no."

"You think the killers got her?"

"Most definitely. John pull up her location on your laptop."

I gave a nod and rushed to my laptop, inserting her phone information.  Soon a loud ping came from the computer. My eyes widened and I turned to Sherlock "she's at the electoral college."

"Discreet. The killer is smart."

He rushed and threw on his coat and scarf, I quickly followed in suit. "We'll be back shortly!" He called out as we rushed outside.

He hailed a cab and gave them the address. I just hope we get to her on time.



I sat across the table from the cabbie, who wore a proud smirk.

"So which will you choose? The right or left? The good or bad? It's chance."

"It's fifty fifty" I spat back, examining the bottles. There both exactly the same in every way.

He chuckled and slid the bottle on the right towards me. I looked at both the bottles yet again. So he wants me to think that he had just given me the good bottle. When in all reality the good one must be the one he's got left.

Sherlock Imagines & One-ShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora