Sherlock: Christmas Dinner (Part One)

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Sherlock and I have been together for three years now, and for the last two we have gone to his mums for Christmas dinner.

That brings us to now. Currently I sit at the table with both brothers and their aunt. As usual, the prep for dinner is nothing but bickering back and forth about nonsense.

This year I was smart enough to bring a book to drown out their consistent chatter.

"This is dull." Mycroft complained.
"Well then, I guess you and this holiday have something in common." Sherlock retaliated.

"Boys, play nice." Their mother snapped as she walked into the kitchen to finish the Christmas dinner.
I glanced up from my book to see both of the brothers sitting in their chairs like statues.
"Can't we have one Christmas dinner where you two don't fight?" I sighed as I sat down my mug.

"He started it." Mycroft replied in defense.
"Jeez, you both are like a couple of 8 year olds." Their aunt called out.
"Someone's just grumpy because of the recent breakup." Sherlock stated.
I looked up at him in shock.
"How did you-" She said looking up at Sherlock.

"Boyfriend?" Mycroft questioned as he looked at the both of us.
"Yes, boyfriend. It's obvious." Sherlock said.
"I didn't know you had a boyfriend. Why didn't we get to meet him?" Mycroft asked, looking slightly offended.
"I think you know why. Besides....he was an idiot." I said matter-of-factly.
"(Y/N), how did yo-" she said looking at me in awe.

"Why did he break up with you?" Mycroft questioned. 
"Wrong." Sherlock and I chimed in.
"How do you know?" He asked in an annoyed tone.
"It's obvious." Sherlock stated again.
"Explain." He persisted.

"Firstly there is a slight indent around her right wrist from where she took off a bracelet she had been wearing for quite some time now.
One that was obviously given to her by someone she cares about deeply and I didn't give her anything." I said with a cocky smile.
"Secondly, she's avoiding her phone. Usually you can never pull her away from it, but it's different now. She's avoiding him, which is
a sign that in fact SHE broke up with HIM." He finished.
Mycroft tilted his head slightly and glared at Sherlock intently.

Their aunt looked at us as if to say, "you're dead on. That's absolutely right."

"We're we right?" Sherlock requested.
"Nope." She lied, setting her tea down and getting up from the dinner table.
"Yes we were." He remarked.
"Maybe." She toyed with a smile.
"See Sherlock. You could be completely wrong." Mycroft taunted.
"But I'm not." He sneered.
"You're not smart enough to be right." Mycroft shot back.
"I'm smarted than you!" Sherlock argued.
"BOYS!" She hollered from the kitchen door.

They both turned their heads and looked at her in shock because they had never heard her yell before.

"Shes the smart one." She said jabbing her thumb in my direction before walking into the sitting room.

Mycroft rolled his eyes, following her into the other room. I looked over at Sherlock who wore a pleased look. I chuckled and kissed him softly on the lips before joining the others.


I laugh as Mycroft's face retorts in disgust at his mothers jest.  I admire this woman for putting up with these two buggars for so long.

I look over at Sherlock, who has his eyes fixed on the plate in front of him. I roll my eyes and take his hand under the table, my thumb stroking the back of it softly.

He smiles down at me before taking a bite of food, his eyes widening with surprise. I hear his mum chuckle as she watches his expression. "See Sherly, I told you my cooking has gotten better."

"I would have to say so" he mutters with his mouth full.

"So, when are you to getting married?" I hear his mum ask from the side.

I jump as Sherlock chokes on the bit of food in his mouth. He swallows his food and wipes his mouth, ignoring the question.

I sigh and remove my hand from him, using it to lift the wine glass to my mouth. From the corner on my eyes I can see his mum looking at us confused.

But instead of progressing the conversation forward, she simply drops it.



Some time later I find myself sitting with Mycroft in the living space playing Operation. Sherlock had gone to help his mother clean up, she had insisted that Mycroft and I have some 'bonding' time.

Mycroft groaned as the tongs hit the little metal bit on the inside of the game. "Oh buggar" he grumbles sitting back in his seat.

I laugh and take the tongs, pulling the piece he had attempted to get out with one swift motion. "Are you serious? How the bloody hell did you get it!?"

"It's called patience, Mycroft. You should really learn to get some." I wag my finger playfully in his direction.

"Oh whatever." He takes the tongs from me and attempts the next piece. I figured he would take awhile to get it so I took our wine glasses to refill them.

But before I entered the kitchen I am stopped by the whispers of Sherlock and his mum.

"Honey, I don't understand why you don't just ask her?" "Because I'm scared. I don't know how, or if she'll even say yes. What if she said no!?"

"I see how she looks at you, Sherlock. She wouldn't say no. She loves you."

"Very well." He muttered and the footsteps grew closer. I went to turn away but before I could the door swung open and hit me in the face.

I stumbled backwards, placing my free hand on my forehead. Sherlock rushed to me and pulled my hand away. "Oh my god, love. I am so sorry!"

I chuckled and looked up at him "it's alright Sherlock. Just make sure no ones trying to come into the kitchen when you're coming out."

His eyes softened and he took my hand, leading me back into the kitchen. He pulls an ice pack from the freezer and set it on my forehead.

I look over as his mum nods at him. He took at deep breath and got down on one knee in front of me.

My heart stopped.

(Hate me if you will. Part two will be coming out soon enough so hold your horses! 😏)

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