~Winter and Webber~

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Wilson's P.O.V

  "So,it's winter huh?"I ask myself,not knowing a certain someone was up."Yup."____ says,with her half human half hound form out."Oh you're up."I say as I turn to look at her."Whoa,your fur fur is white!"I say astounded."Yup,just like a normal hound's."She says.

Your P.O.V

  "Yup,just like a normal hound's."I say,then,what I didn't want to happen today,a coughing fit."____! Are you ok?"He says,holding me up so I don't fall on the ground.After the coughing fit,I feel the ground shaking."Really,a Deerclops on the first day of winter?!"I shout.Then we hear a faint...scream?"AHHHHHH HELP US!"A voice says.Then we see a human like spider being chased by the Deerclops."Webber!"Wilson yells."I'll get the Deerclops!"I yell."Oh no you don't,not with that leg!"Wilson says to me."Ugh...fine!"I say."Ow!!!"Webber said."____ tend to his injuries,I'll get the Deerclops."Wilson says and darts to the monster."He gets the fun part."I mumble under my breath.I tend to Webber's injuries and we talk while Willow and Wilson fight."Gah!"Willow yells.I look over and see that she can no longer fight due to a severe injury."Webber,you tend to that,I'll fight,no matter what Wilson says!"I yell and transform into full hound form(which is bloody massive!) and dart into battle.Wilson notices me and shouts"____ no!You'll get hurt!" "I have the same chances of getting hurt as you do!"I yell back.

~Time skip cuz I can't do battle scenes >.<~

  "Everyone ok?"I ask."We are fine."Webber says.What they didn't know was how much of the blood on my pant leg was mine,then Wilson sees my pained expression when I sit down and lifts my pant leg."____ I told you this would happen!"He says."Well everyone else was injured,I wasn't going to let you fight on your own and die!"I say back with tears forming in my eyes.He sighs and puts more healing salve on my leg and sits next to me.As everyone is talking,catching up on things,Wilson puts his arm around my shoulder.I snuggle into them and ignore Willow's constant fangirling.'Is the whole winter going to be like this?I hope so if I get to snuggle with Wilson.'I thought with a grin.

[OLD] When there's a Wilson,there is a way.(Wilson x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now