~A Deal~

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(Wilson's P.O.V)

  She's gone...my precious (Y/n), gone and dead... No one could blame me for crying out. I dropped the letter and ran into the forest, trying to find her. I couldn't accept the fact that she's dead. I just couldn't! I ran and ran until I found her body, dead on the ground. I fell on my knees beside her, disbelief flooding my body, I began to cry out more.

  "(Y/n)!" I cried out, chocking on my own words and tears. I was on my hands and knees now, crying before my lost love. My tears soaked into the forest ground. Wheatly found us, and curled up next to his dead friend, whining in sorrow. I miss her so much already...

"Say pal, you don't look so good~" A mysterious voice cooed behind me. I'd know that devil from anywhere as I darted up to my feet, a scowl on my face. Wheatly began to growl viciously at the man. "What do you want, Maxwell?" I hiccup, still mourning over my love, but with venom in my voice. "Hey now, no need to be like that. After all, I was going to help you, but it seems you don't want my assistance." He exclaims, beginning to disappear. "Wait!" I shout, he returns to his full form, a dastardly smirk on his face.

  "How could you help us...?" I question. "Well, let me make a deal with you~" He coos, before continuing, "I'll bring back your dear (Y/n), fully healed and all her memories still in her mind. If..." He trails off. "If?" I ask. "If, you sacrifice your sanity to me, deal~?" He finishes, extending out a hand to me. I begin to think for a moment, then state "Deal." I grab his hand, but feel a burning pain in my body, as I cry out in pain. I could feel my sanity draining. Once he was done, he looked over to where (Y/n) lay. She was breathing again! "She will wake up soon. It was nice doing business with you~" He sings before disappearing.

  "Nhhg...my head..." (Y/n) groans. "(Y/n)!" I call as I rush to her, hugging her tightly. "W-Wilson...? Wait...I'm supposed to be dead!" She exclaims, looking at me, then her confused face turns pale, as if she was scared. "You...you didn't...did you...?" She questions quietly. "Did I make a deal? Yes!" I grin, an insane filled grin. "Y-You're insane!" She shouts. pushing me away. She backed away, terrified. "Come now, (Y/n)~ Don't be like that~ I gave my sanity to save you~!" I coo crazily. I begin to laugh, only terrifying her more. "W-Wilson...you're a mad man!" She cries, tears forming in her eyes.

~(Y/n)'s P.O.V~

  All he did was laugh and laugh. He's gone mad! "Y...you're not the scientist I fell in love with..." I cry, running into the forest at hound's speed, Wheatly following far behind me. I hope the others will do the same when they see him, who knows what he'll do!

(A/N: Yes, I drew this :3 Sorry if you don't look like this, I just drew it like this because it was easy

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(A/N: Yes, I drew this :3 Sorry if you don't look like this, I just drew it like this because it was easy. I got the background off the internet, but the person is what I drew. Sorry if it sucks, I only have MS Paint)

[OLD] When there's a Wilson,there is a way.(Wilson x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now