Chapter 34

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"You think Bruce is dead and has been replaced by one of them?" I asked Grayson, my voice shaking and timid.

Grayson slowly nodded.

"When do you think Bruce died?" I continued.

He shrugged. "There's no way of knowing for sure but if I had to guess I'd say when he stormed out from lunch and drove off. The Shape Shifters probably had been watching him for a while now."

"What should I do? I can't really go to school with a possible imposter Bruce there can I?"

"Actually, school would be safer then almost anywhere. The Shifters would be much less likely attack when your surrounded by a big group like that."

"What do I do when I'm not with you? I only see you at lunch and last period."

"I'm a classroom away most of the time. And even if I'm not, Ethan will protect you."

"What's up with Ethan anyway? Why does he hate me?" I asked Gray.

"He doesn't hate you. He wants to protect you. And if he thinks ignoring you and giving you strange looks is the way to do it, then I don't doubt it."

"What about for you? Why don't you ignore me."

"Because I can't. I've always felt hollow, until I met you. I'd never been able to feel anything before I met you. And the more time I spend with you, the more I know these feelings aren't going away."

This time, it was my turn to surprise Grayson with a kiss. I snaked my arms around his neck and brought his lips down to meet my own. I hadn't realized I'd been crying until I tasted my salty tears in the kiss. Grayson tried to pull away, but I didn't let him. His lips and the healing powers they possessed was enough to cure me of every ill feeling.

The rain fell heavier and thunder cracked out somewhere in the distance. That didn't matter though, because I was with Grayson. I was with a guy who I couldn't help but love. I was in love with a guy. I was in love with Grayson.

Eventually, we pulled apart. I looked up in his hazel eyes. They looked green and absolutely beautiful in the lighting.

"I-" I cut myself off. I couldn't possibly tell Gray I though I was in love with him. I may not be, and to risk ruining whatever we had going on by telling him about what I may or may not feel didn't seem to be worth it.

"You what?" He asked.

"I...I should probably call Billy. He should be home by now."

"I am home." I snapped my head around coming face to face with my dad. How could I have not heard Billy come inside. He stood there, eyebrows knitted together. "Who you talking to Em? And why is the window open?"

I snapped my head back to where Grayson had been. The kitchen window was flung open, swinging as if it'd just been someone had traveled through it in a hurry. I exhaled in relief.

I looked back to Billy. "No one, just talking to myself."

He walked over and closed the window. I could tell he didn't believe me, but he had to because the kitchen window wasn't big enough for a person to fit through. It was the perfect fit for an oversized raven though.

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