Chapter 38

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I was discharged from the hospital two days later. My injuries were extensive, ranging anywhere from a broken rib to a broken nail.

I missed the next week of school so that I could be sure I could rest and get back to one hundred percent. Margot and Scarlette came over every afternoon to deliver my school work. We were supposed to work on homework when they visited, but most of the time the girls and I would catch me up on drama at school.

"Apparently, she has another boyfriend in Augusta!" Scareltte exclaimed. Margot wore that smirk that she always had if drama was occurring.

Bruce came to visit me the day I got home from the hospital. He brought be a bouquet of balloons and a giant pink, plush, teddy bear.

"I'm sorry about how I acted last time I saw you." Bruce apologized.

"Forget about it. You were just trying to look out for me, I get it."

"Thanks Em. But now I know, Grayson's great for you. Everyone heard about how he and his family helped save you and your dad from that murderer."

"You heard about that?"

"Oh sure," he continued. "Everyone's heard about it. You were in the paper and on the channel six news."


"Yeah. Grayson's practically a hero now." Bruce sat up straighter and scanned the house from where he was sitting. "Say, where is Grayson anyways."

"He left. Him and his family are gone now." I whispered.

I wasn't sure if the reaction from Bruce was happy, confused or a mix of the two. It didn't matter though, because Grayson may never even want to see me again.

When Bruce finally excused himself and left the house, I began to cry.

And cry.

And cry.

Until my eyes were dry and my face red and puffy. I hoped the tears would help to wash away any memories I had of Grayson. Secretly, I didn't want to forget the brief romance we had. But I knew I had to, because that's how we heal.

Then, my phone rang. The caller was unknown.

"Hello." I answered cautiously.

"Emily? It's me, Ethan."

"Oh hey."

"You were expecting Grayson weren't you?"


Ethan's laughter echoed through the phone. "I just wanted to say that we're call safe here in Washington. My cousin Edward is teaching Grayson control and stuff around humans. And get this. Gray has a new power now."

"You mean he can't turn into a bird anymore."

"He can but he has something else now. He clan control birds and communicate with them. Crazy huh?"


"Anyways, I'll talk to you later."

"Alight bye. And tell Grayson to call me," I said.

Ethan sighed. "I'll try. Bye."

The line went dead.

I fell asleep after that, and dreamed of the boy who I think I love(d). Grayson had only been away for a week now, but the empty hole in my heart told me he'd been away for much longer.

I dreamed that we were both sitting atop the old toll bridge admiring a sunset. The light seemed like they could stretch out for infinity. But it couldn't, nothing could go on forever.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" I asked, turning to face Grayson. He was still a New Age in this dream, because he wasn't fully affected by the sun.

"No." He said.

"Why not?"

"Because, the only thing here truly beautiful is you. Besides, I like sunrises much better."

"Oh, and why's that?" I asked.

"Because a sunset reminds me that everything is over. It's a symbol of a day I'll never get back. Where as a sunrise reminds of the day yet to come. The adventures I have yet to experience. The sunrise means that I have an entire day to accomplish something."

Somewhere in the back of my dreaming mind, I thought about what Grayson said.

The sun had set on the old chapter of our lives and the sun was due to rise on a new one.

The End

Before you freak out on me, yes there is a sequel "Bloody Lies" (currently #190 in Vampire) and yes, this story does have an epilogue. The epilogue happens to be very important so when it is up, read it.

QOTD: Does anyone know a song that goes along with this story?

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