Chapter Three

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"You have- like, a real fucking human being inside you."

"Yeah, no shit Mason." I rolled my eyes at him. Leo laughed and Mason darted his eyes towards his boyfriend in a stabbing glare.

"When are you due?" He asked. We where sitting in my apartment, avoiding outside like the plague because it was so fucking hot we couldn't stand it.

"About nine months from now." I replied deadpan, not even glancing up from my phone. "Just an estimate."

"Stop being bitchy, bitch." He said. "I told Drew."

"I don't care." I said, telling a barefaced lie. Although the dates added up in my head, there was always the fear the this baby would come out with jet black hair like Drew's and muscles popping out it's shirt.

"He said congratulations."

"Tell we said thanks." 

"Bitchy, what's up with you today? You're being so fucking moody. Surely hormones don't kick in that fast." Mason sat up from lying across Leo's lap and stared at me intently.

"Nothing, it's nothing." I sighed, down playing my emotions. "I'm scared that my Visa won't be accepted. A green card takes so long to process, so I've applied for a different type whilst that is being checked, but I'm scared it won't be accepted and I won't get to be with Luke."

"Mila, it will all pan out eventually. You'll get to be with Luke." Leo told me reassuringly. I knew I always liked that guy.

My mind was racing a thousand miles an hour and there seemed to be no traffic lights to stop it. I just wanted everything to be okay. I wanted to be with Luke; have our little family together and be happy. Luke's work was there and I could make some adjustments so that I could be with him. If this fucking Visa would just be accepted.

"When does Luke go back to LA?" Mason asked me, sitting back into his comfortable position and intertwining his hands with Leo.

"Next week," I replied sadly, "But the lease on his apartment has been renewed, so at least we have a place to stay. The baby will have it's own room. he's coming with me to my doctors appointment later."

"That's good. He seems like he's going to be a really hands on dad." Leo commented.

"Yeah, he's really excited," I smiled fondly as I thought of Luke's beaming face and babbling sentences gushing over his thrill of becoming a parent. "He's going to be a really good dad."

Mason and Leo left as Luke picked me up and we headed to the doctors surgery for our first appointment together. Sitting in the waiting area, I was suddenly nervous and began to shake my leg. Luke placed a gentle hand on my knee and traced small circles to soothe me; if he was nervous he didn't show it.

"Mila Mills. Room ten." My name boomed over the speaker and I jumped in fright. Luke held my hand as we stood up and we walked together past the crying children and sniffling old men to room ten down the corridor. I knocked before we both entered.

"Hello, take a seat." Doctor MacDonald said and ushered us to the two plush seats next to her desk. "This is Luke?" She smiled, holding out her hand to shake.

"That's me." He smiled and shook her hand gratefully before sitting down beside me.

"You're the daddy?" She asked. Luke nodded, a smile playing across his lips. "Okay, so we're here for a check up. Mila, do you want to lie on the bed for me?"

I stood up and lay down on the surgery bed that was covered in protective wrap, before rolling up my t-shirt, as the doctor switched off the lights. I could tell from Luke's expression and the way he was looking at the way that I sat, he thought I was about to whip off my pants and put my legs in the air. Don't worry, I'm not fanny flashing today.

The Summer I Went Sailing {L.H}. ~ Book 3Where stories live. Discover now