Chapter Fourteen

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"Mila, the party literally starts in four hours. Will you hurry the fuck up." I glared at Luke, and slammed down the tiny baby shirt I was holding onto the shelf. "For fucks sake, Mila. We've already bought half the shop, we don't need any more shit."

"So you're saying that our children don't need 100% cotton shirts? We may as well dress them in polystyrene then." I spit at him, stamping away. Luke stumbles after me, bags in his hand weighing him down. Again, I know I'm being petty but I just can't help it. 

"Mila, this is an album launch. If you don't move your ass, I'm going to move it for you." Luke replies dominantly, his voice almost warning. I want to stamp my feet like a little child but the shop is full of other expectant couples, but at least they're all having a better time. 

I breathe heavily. "Fine. But we're coming back for those shirts."  

We pay for our items and a cheery, rather persistent woman asks us everyone question under the sun. I was afraid she was going to keel over when I told her we were expecting triplets.

"Oh, Lord." She hands us a bag full of basic baby clothes. "That'll be a handful."
"Tell me about it." Luke replies sarcastically. 

There's security around us but some how I'm still blinded by flashes as men with cameras snap pictures of Luke and I. They're shouting really quite loudly and shoving really quite harshly, making me automatically hold onto Luke for protection.
We manage to fight our way into the car and drive away, but the secret is out now. Right before the fucking album launch. 

Oh, fuck.  

I desperately scroll through my social media, although private; mentions, requests, hashtags are all circling every site and they all bear my name. Oh, fuck. 

"Don't read it." Luke tells me as we drive through the street of LA. "Don't fucking read it." 

He reaches for my phone and snatches it out my hand, locking it and shoving it into his pocket. 

"That's my phone, asswipe." I slap his leg and Luke giggles as he tries to stop me from reaching his slender leg. 

"I don't care. You're not reading it." We carry on over a fly-over and I begin to recognize the streets again. "I'll sort it all out. You just worry about putting that ass into that red dress you've bought tonight and lookin' all types of fine."
"Okay; who are you? And what have you done with Luke?" 

"You're a cheeky shit." Luke laughs. 

We pull off the fly-over and into streets huge buildings that tower above us, every single one looking the same, and then Luke parks the car in the garage of our apartment block. We struggle majorly to get everything upstairs in one go, but we're too lazy to make two trips. For two people so different, we certainly have laziness in common. 

I collapse on the bed after we finally reach home. Luke lays down beside me. 

"I say we skip the party and stay here, I'm knocked out from all that shopping." 

"You did not drag me away from 100% cotton baby shirts to skip this party, Luke. We're going." I laugh and he rolls over to face me. Luke kisses me tenderly and then jumps up abruptly.

"I call dibs on the shower!" He yells and darts to the bathroom. 

"That's not fair, I'm pregnant!" I shout back. 

Luke slams the door shut and I hear the lock click. "You snooze, you lose."  

He's such an asshole. A lovable one, but still an asshole. 

Three and a half hours lately I'm staring at myself in a mid-length, off the shoulder red dress with a slit in the thigh that hugs my curves and shows off my growing baby bump. I ain't going to lie, I look hella fine in this damn dress and I'm not afraid to let the world know. If everyone is going to find out I'm pregnant, they may as well know by seeing a picture of me in this red dress.

Wow, six years ago I could barely look myself in the mirror. Now I'm admitting I love myself. If that's not a glo up, I don't know what is. 

"Mila, come on." Luke shouts from outside the bedroom. "The car is here." 

I grab my clutch and teeter out in my small heels. "Coming." I say as I come into the living area. 

Luke is wearing an open neck shirt with black skinny jeans and a pair of maroon colored boots. He also looks mighty fine. 

He drapes my jacket around my shoulders and we make our way to the car waiting on us downstairs. In our car sat Calum and I was surprised to see the girl Lily from the club a few weeks ago. I knew they where into each other but I had no idea that she was coming tonight. 

They look matchy-matchy in their black attire and Lily's hair is slicked back into a tight ponytail, her eyeliner sharp enough to slice a bitch and lipstick redder than Red Riding Hood's cape. 

I have to admit; we all look hot as fuck.



Thank you for reading!
This is just a filler chapter guys, so another update will be up soon. 

Also, here is the link for Mila's dress:

-ImJustFabu x

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