Fat Shaming: Rant

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Disclaimer: The word "stupido" is soley there as a joke and for comedic purposes. I do not believe anyone is truly stupid but their values, morals, thoughts, and actions definitely can be. I also do not own the cat video linked in the authors note. This is my opinion. Bear in mind when reading this I do not intend to force you to read this chapter or agree with it's contents

"If I shame someone to lose weight, I can live with myself."~Stupido

"Don't encourage someone being obese."

All people are beautiful no matter their body type, I do not encourage obesity, but I encourage loving yourself the way you are. I encourage weight loss so that the person can be healthy, and for their own well being and safety. I don't support weight loss soley to look "Sexy" or "Beautiful" because you dont don't need to be a certain size for that inside and out because by fat shaming someone you can cause them to lose confidence, lower their self esteem, and maybe even change their mental perspective to the point where they fall into depression or become  anorexic and/or bulimic. How can you live with yourself when you have led someone to go through hell and back in order to lose weight, assuming they succeed? I'm sure many people are already struggling with their own body image without the help of others. If you truly think yourself a good person and like others well beings you would support the person with all your might, and make sure they remember the reason why they're losing weight is not for something as miniscule as their appearance but for their health which comes before anything.

A/N If you are offended by this it means either 1. You are too sensitive or butthurt, 2. You didn't read the disclaimer in the beginning. Or 3. Something I forgot to mention in the disclaimer is bothering you. If it is #1 please refrain from commenting something nasty and watch this  video of a cat scared by a horror movie:  https://youtu.be/pEmdeIyZdpA. If it is #2 please go read the disclaimer and if its #3 please let me know politely in the comments so I can address the issue as quickly as possible. If you see a mean comment don't reply just report it and let me know in the comments so I can block them 😊

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