The time cosplay ruined my life (or something like that)

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I have always been fascinated with cosplay and cosplayers for their dedication to staying in character and potraying the character as well as possible. So naturally I had followed many cosplayer skits on YouTube there's this ask spamano YouTube channel I had discovered a year ago when I was into Hetalia despite the channel being fairly old and out of use I loved it, in fact I still do. These videos inspired me to think of Hetalia characters in a YouTube setting and start practicing my Italian accent in hopes that one day I to could be a cosplayer (a dream I still have) perhaps even a Romano one. My IPod had been dead at the time but I was desperate to record me saying something along the lines of "Shut up stupido (?) España" I don't really remember it all hence the question mark but you get the gist. It was cringey as hell, being somewhat aware of this I sneakily "borrowed" my father's tablet and recorded it on his gallery (not the voice recorder he had no idea existed but the gallery. I was truly a prodigy ) Then I quickly played it and deleted it not wanting to have to explain while I stole my father's tablet and recognizing that my accent was horrible. You see I must be been confused with the tablet (I wasn't technologically challenged but I wasn't familiar with that brand)  because later that day I was reading Romeo and Juliet with my cousin acting out the parts because she wanted to practice for school and my father decided it'd be a great idea to approach me saying "Someone used my tablet." I actually had forgotten about the whole ordeal so I said "Not me." And returned to my reading. He could've left me there, deleted the video, forgotten about it and saved me the embarrassment seeing as I was a 7th grader reading and understanding Shakspeare but no, no, no my father gave me a sly grin and played the audio to me. I immediately flushed dark red (I'm gravely pale so that didnt help much either) grabbing it and deleting the video once and for all with a shaky hand. This story is easily forgotten until it pops up into my mind terrifying me and causing me to physically cringe. So there you go now you share my horrible memory and can laugh at my dismay. I'll probably never steal anything from my dad again though in his defense he probably was ecstatic that I was practicing Spanish.

(Let's just hope this doesn't go viral because...well I'd probably change my name if it did)

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