Another Tag

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Okay so it's seems that this book is becoming "Sophia's tag book" I promise I'm working on more original content for you guys (maybe including a new book!) So let's get started here. Again sorry if I tag you and you get annoyed.

Above is a screenshot of --norway-- who tagged me and the rules of the tag for those I tagged. Again you dont have to do the tag!

1. My nickname is Sophie. Mostly only my family and friends call me it, and sometimes teachers who I tell not to lol.

2. My eyes are dark brown

3. My hair color is dark brown too, almost to being black.

4. I write poetry. You may already know this if you've read my author notes.

5. My favorite color is yellow! Ever since I was little I loved it and the way it represented happiness.

6. Disney World! I've gone there about
a million times and I love it more each day.

7. James Boyle.

8 Giraffes!

9. Favorite song.

10. Harry Potter, John Wayne Cleaver, and A Series Of Unfortunate Events. (HOW CAN I CHOOSE ONE?)

I tag:


(I tryed tried to tag some new people so I don't spam people)

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