Writing A book about my addiction.

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I've seen someone write a story with only what their phone suggests before and I decided to try it out. As you can tell the title is also written in this way. Pray for my soul:

Hi guys I hate it when my mom doesn't really ask about what I write about. It just gets better after a bit more recognition before I end up getting a little Steven's Universe Lion. But I guess that's a good thing to say that I love this book. But if you'd be willing to do that that she's not okay with it on the Discovery channel. I think you should try it out and I'm going to have a Figment one from Disney world cup.  The Harsh realities of my oneshot book all the support we've gotten in such short film about a deer in the world in general. Please keep an eye out for you what lol.  Thus the page really appreciate it was in another place reading this though I'm sure I even more scary because it's not like visit the page. Bye bye for now though, can't wait to see what you did.

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