My reaction to Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them|A.k.a where's the sequel

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Negative things :(
•Better have a sequel
•The whole thing with the leftover parts of Credence and the Obscurrus in Newt's case???
•They could have done character development for Newt (Leta the girl from the picture, the little girl who turned Obscurrus from his past, and why did he get kicked out of Hogwarts????)
•What about Tina and Credence???m •How exactly did she know him they explained it to briefly. What about the stuff in the pool scene? Could that connect somehow?
•Does Jacob remember what happened but think it's a dream???
•Where is the Tina/Newt kiss.
•Did they really fully obliviate him? If not was that on purpose? Did he ask Newt to cast a spell on him to find a loophole somehow? I NEED ANSWERS.
•I hate how they get the audience interesting in something and completely ignore it for the rest of the movie.

•Also that Tina and Newt chemistry ;))
•Also Grindewald tho
•They had a great cast and production valueee
•Credence!!!! *he deserved betterr*
•Maurel the Bowtruckle
•The animals and Newts relationship with them.
•The bakery
•Also freckles
•Did I mention freckles??
•Lady things ;)
•And everything about Newt

update:this was written before they stated that they were going to make at least 5 movies. 

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