Shopping; Lingerie

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Song of the chapter- (Another Little Mix Song haha) Make you Believe by Little Mix


Story of my life by One Direction


"Alex, c'mon, you've gotta give me more than just the shrug of your shoulders when I ask you how it was!" Eleanor exclaims from my couch in the living room, while I unload the dishwasher in my kitchen.

I shut a bright yellow cabinet and turn around to face her, throwing my hands up as in saying 'what do you expect me to say?'

After Harry and I had finished breakfast earlier this morning we had wanted to go to a movie or something in that matter, but he had been called into work. He left unwillingly after we walked back to my apartment, telling me he will text me when he figures out when he will be off of work.

"Okay okay, I'm going to give you options and you nod your head yes or no." Eleanor tells me, making me roll my eyes in amusement as I turn around to put the last cup from the top rack of the dishwasher away.

"Was it to where you were like, okay when is something more going to happen, when is this actually going to feel good?" She speaks aloud. Her fowardness and how she doesn't shy away from sexual things always surprises me. It's so easy for her to talk about it.

When I shut the dishwasher I turn to her and shake my head no softly. I walk to the couch and sit down beside her.

"Okay, so it did feel nice?" I feel my cheeks heat as I nod my head yes. It makes a giddy smile cross her lips.

"Okay okay." She rushes excitedly.

"So, it was basically amazing?" She suggests. I nod my head and cover my face with my hands, falling down to lie on my back.

"It's only me you don't need to be embarrassed! I could tell you about when Louis first did it to me if that would make you feel better." She tells me teasingly, just like Harry does. I sit up and shake my head with a laugh.

"So did anything else happen besides that?" She asks me.

I could tell her that I had spoken and said his name aloud to him, but I didn't want to. I wanted that to be just Harry and I's secret for now. So I shake my head no.

"Well now that all the fun is over, why don't we go out shopping or something?" She asks me. I nod my head.

"We could ask Brianna and Candice to go, only if you'd like though." She tells me.

After Eleanor calling and getting the girls to tag along, I grab my purse along with my white board before we head down to Els car.


I didn't expect Eleanor to be a bad driver, but she sure was. I remain stiff in my seat to be ready for any sharp stops or turns she makes, her hand reaching up every minute to change the radio station to find better songs than the last. I almost wanted to have her pull over and let me drive, and I don't even have my license.

I launch myself out of the car when we pull into the mall parking lot, the rain from this morning gone for now, but not for long I hope. I secure the strap of my purse over my shoulder, waiting for El to meet me on the other side of the car. And when she does she quirks her eyebrows at me in a confused matter.

"Why do you look frazzled?"

I laugh at the word she had chosen to use before brushing her question off with the shake of my head, deciding to spare her feelings on her terrible driving. El tells me that we are meeting Brianna and Candice in Macy's, and then that we will go to the food court and eat before shopping. I just walk along with her, listening to her ramble on and on; which is something I still like and appreciate about her.

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