Shadow Part 2 and a meting

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I told them about the dream. They were scared for me and for them. I telepotred with Collin and Brine out side.

"I know that Shadow is behind that tree." I said.

Brine nodded to Collin. Collin teleported behind that tree and he says. "Shadow. Did you came here only to make my sister have that nightmare?"

HE came out from the forest. He was a black smoke. Collin was behind him.

"Yes. Yes I did and did I hear you say. Sis? Ah.. Ender is your sister! That explains a lot." Shadow says with a smile.

The way he said it... it sounded just like the way he spoke in the dream. I fell down to my knees and I hold my head on my arms.

'No no no no no. That was a face dream. This is real. THIS CAN'T BE HAPPENING!!' I yelled in my head. Brine and Collin could feel my pane.

"Stop hurting Ender!" Collin yelled.

"Collin. You know that I'm still evil and I am still continuing my plan. Wich is TO KILL YOU AND BECOME GOD OF THIS WORLD!"

Again he said it so clearly and do detailed. Every single world was real. In that dream and real life. I stood up and say

"Just do it Shadow."

"Uh... now? Like wright now?"

"Yes. I know your gonna kill me someday, so why not do it now? I can't save everyone in this world."



"I woun't do it. Yet. I'm not that kind of spirit."

We all were confused. Then He teleported into my mind. Yes! Another being in my mind.

"Why are you doing this to me?" I asked Shadow.

"Because  I like to watch you suffer."

"Yea. I could figure."

We went back inside. Everyone was in bed.

It was finally morning. Drake, Armen and Roxxi wen't out to get some food and I was in the house with Collin, Brine and Shadow. But then I can hear footsteps.

'Great' I think.

"What is it?" Brine asks me.

"I can hear footsteps."

"I'm gonna go and check it out."

I nodded. Then he teleported away.

I could heat screams from a man. "HEROBRINE COME BACK HERE!"

He teleport behind me.

"What did you do this time?" I ask him.

"I didn't do anything I just spawned a little ways in front of them and the man and the women started to shoot arrows at me."

I stepped away from him. The door opened but we didn't hear that. So I just kept talking to my brother.

"Okay, first you teleport behind them or in a forest so they can't see you. Second... wait... did you look at them?" I said.

"No. I had my back to them."

"Then how did they knew that you are well... you?"

My head started to hurt but it went away quckly because Collin is on the top of the stairs listening to our conversation. He jump Brine.

"Heh... thanks Collin." I say and Brine growled at him.

"Hey! It isn't my fault that your name causes headaches to Ender and Drake!"

He again growled. Collin got off of him and I said again.

"Like I said... How did they knew you were Brine?"

"I don't know. I think I have maybe turned my head a little and they might have seen my eye."

"So your telling me that you lied? You said that you had your back to them!"

"Uh... well... can't a brother lie to his sister?"

"No. But anyways. Did you sow what they looked like?"

"Well... the girl was a elf. And the boy had a purple sword in his hand. He wears a dark green jacket and green fingerless gloves."

"A elf and a purple sword huh? Collin, can you find Drake, Armen and Roxxi?"


When Collin left Shadow came. He said. "Uh... Ender? There's two people out side the door."

I looked behind me and I sow and elf girl and a man with a purple sword with fingerless gloves. Just like Brine said.

"Okay thank you Shadow. Now can you please go. I feel unsafe with you in the room."


"Brine wait here."

He nodded. I went to the door and I opened it. The boy with the purple sword tried to hit me but mist. The elf brought out a blue bow. She shoot the arrows but mist. One arrow hit my arm but I recovered myself. I grabbed the arrows with my powers by not looking at them. I can feel they'r presents. They were shocked on how I could do that. I took away they'r swords and bows. They were more freaked out when Brine came out side.

"Brine what are you doing?! I told you to wait inside the house!"

"I wasn't going to let my sister get herself killed."

The two people stared at me.

"Omg, Brine. What did I tell you! You CAN'T say that were a brother and a sister WHEN THERE'S PEOPLE AROUND! Not EVEN elves!" I try to say calmly, I shouted a little but not much because I don't want to hurt them.


When he left I put the boy and the elf down.

"Sorry about that..." I say.

"It's okay. By the way, I'm Mia and his Grayson." The elf said.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Ender." I said. Then I turned to Grayson. "I heard that you had stolen the Dragon Egg."

"Yes. Yes i did." He said with a scared voice.

"Don't worry. I'm not gonna hurt you. I'm wanted by the Empire too. But can I see the Egg. I want to know what kind of dragon is inside it."

He thought a while but gave me the black Egg with red spots over it.

"Hmm... oo. This is a cool one. It will become a black dragon with red spiked on its tail and two spiked on its head. The wings are normal sised, for a baby. When it grows you can ride it. It will also shoot fire." My mouth got tired.

"How do know this?" Mia said.

"I have that kind of power."

We went inside. We got to know each other better as the morning sun went by. Collin came back with Drake, Armen and Roxxi. Armen and Drake don't know what king of surprise they will get. And that goes to Grayson and Mia too.

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