Empire again and a meating

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The next second when ArmenBrine teleported away Empire Quards started to shoot they'r arrows. I got hit but I recovered.

"I'm seriously gonna kill the Empirior next time I see him!" I say.

I stood up turning to Ender Eye. Everybody went to the front door. There were even more Quards there.

"COME AND GET ME YOU FREAKS!!!" I yelled whit all my fury.

"NO! STOP!" I heard a girls voice behind a bush.

He killed the three Quards that were behind the bush as well. I turned to normal whit my head hurting. I spawned a bottle of water and drink it. The girl came close to me. I got my sword out.

"No need for that Alex." She said.

"Wait. That voice... Angoria?!?!" I said in suprise.

She nodded and took away her mask and Empire Quard clothes. She had dark clothes. On the shirt there were a picture of a baby Dragon. She had Dragon wings and green Dragon eyes. We hugged and went to the living room. I sow that my friends were fighting like thirty Empire Quards. I  used my power to lift them up. Angoria flied by me and hit the Quards killing them. Roxxi's eyes went wide.

"Angoria?" She said

"Hey!" Said Angoria with a big smile on her face.

They hugged but it didn't last for long.

"Who's she?" Collin asks.

"This is Angoria. Angoria these are Collin, Drake, Armen, Mia and Grayson. But Brine and Shadow should be here as well." I say.

"Well nice to meet you all." Angoria said while tucking her Dragon wings. "Can I ask who's Brine and Shadow?"

Brine and Shadow came to show. Angoria freacked out by Brine. Shadow was a smoke.

"Hero..." Angoria started but was gut of by Armen.

"Don't. When you say his name Ender has a headache. We all say Brine instead of his real name."

"Who's Ender?" She was confused.

"I'm Ender. They call me that. But you can still call me Leelo if you want. Roxxi does." I said and Roxxi nodded.

Angoria continued. "Ok then... but why is Brine here? And shouldn't he attack us?"

"Uh... no. Because uh... it's hard to believe but I'm acually nice. My fury and anger is in a different body." He said.

"Uhh... ok? But what about that dark cloud?"

"Did you call me a cloud?" Shadow said in anger.

"No she didn't." Collin replied trying to stop whats about to happen next. "Don't call him a cloud. Ok?" He whispered to Angoria and she nodded.

Shadow went away. There was a creepy silence in the room.

"By the way, Brine is my brother." I broke the silence.

Angoria watched me in confusion.

"Yea I know. It's hard to believe."

Finally ArmenBrine came roening our joy.

"Ooo! Who's the new girl?"

"Stop it ArnenBrine." I said. "And can you think up another name for you? I don't want to say ArmenBrine for the rest of my life."

"Hmm... How about... Destruction."

"NO!" Everybody shouted.

"Ok I'll think up a name for you." I turned to Angoria who's scared by ArmenBrine. "And his Brine's fury and anger."

"Yea, what ever." ArmenBrine said.

Angoria waived in fear.

"THAT'S IT!" I shouted a cross the room. "ArmenBrine. Your new name is Briny"

"Really? Briny? COULDN'T YOU THINK A BETTER NAME??!!" He said making my head hurt.

"I really hate you for that you know..." I said rubbing my head.

"Yea I know." He teleported away.

"What was that about?" Grayson said. "I Thought Brine coused you headaches."

"He told me that he would make my headaches. Not Brine. I so HATE HIM!!" I yelled and turning to Ender Eye.

"You still have that broblem?" Angoria asked me and I nodded while turning back.

"Were use to it." Roxxi said we all laughed. We hadn't laugh in a long time.

My Haunted (2016-17)Where stories live. Discover now