A mother and a monster

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I teleport to my mothers house. It's been months and I haven't seen her. I look inside the window. There she is with our cat. I smile and a tier comes down my Enderman cheek. I made a small noise of pain and wiped the tier away. I heared footsteps coming close to the glass door. Should I stay here or should I hide? I don't know. When my mother sow me, the expretion on her face, I couldn't read it. She was scared, happy, mad and sad at the same time.

I just stood there and looked at her. More tiers started to go down my face. It hurt yet again, but I didn't move. I only moved my mouth a little. She opened the glass door, while I stepped back. I looked at her, she is in distraught  and I know why. She doesn't recognise her daughter anymore. I can't remember what I looked like before he turned me.

"Y-You..." She finally spoke, my Ender ear moved when I heard the sound of her voice.

It was so nice to hear her voice again, I just wanted to hug her, but what will she think of me? I'm not the child she once loved. I'm a monster in her eyes.

"M-m-mom...?" I asked slowly. "I'm... I'm sorry for not coming to see you."

She looked straight at my Enderman eye. She moved her mouth to say something, but closed it immediately when I said  the next phrase.

"It's just, I couldn't. I was attacked and chased for who knows how long. I was hurt, I was scared, but I have some good friends that help me overcome the things I've been through.

When I finished, she opened her mouth. "Alex, I missed you. So much."

I almost started crying when she opened her arms and said "Come here." I went to hug her. I didn't care if my right side hurt from crying.

S-she forgives me? She was basically alone for months and she didn't know if I was dead or alive. I shut down my power and I want to stay in my mother's arms, forever. But I can't. I have to find my friends. I know that Angoria is doing everything that she can, but ArmenBrine? I don't know about him. We let go and go inside. I talk about all the adventures and friends I met. And non-friends, like Shadow and ArmenBrine. I stay with her the whole evening. When my mother goes to sleep, I start writing her a note.

Dear mother,

I am so sorry, but I have to leave. I can't stay here, it's to dangerous for you. I am a wanted person, the reason why? I don't know. I didn't do anything bad, trust me! It's just, I have a lot of power. You wouldn't understand. I don't want to leave also, but I have to find my friends. Again, I'm sorry. I am going to miss you, so much. Bye.

Love, Alex.

When I was done writting the letter, I started to cry. I put the letter beside my mothers bed. I was floating, 'Cause our second floor ceacks and I don't want to wake her up. She told me that she hasn't gotten much sleep when I was gone. I feel so bad for leaving her, but it's for the best. I have to find my friends, where ever they are. Angoria is probably worried sick over me. I decide that I am leaving sooner. I teleport back to the house, when I am greeted by a hug. I look behind me to see who's hugging me. It was Angoria, just like I thought.

"Yes, I know. I'm sorry for leaving so suddenly. I'm sorry Angi." I say with a sad voice.


Halo! So I want to tell you guys something. First, I can't make the pages so quickly anymore. I have school, Deviantart and other books that I want to publish. So, yea. The second thing is, that Angi is the nickname for Angoria AND CHECK OUT MY OTHER BOOKS! The Haunted:New Beginning (which is not the sequel to this book, it's a defferent story and characters), and Seventh element (MLP). Thanks!


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