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Everybody was sleeping. Angoria in my sleeping bag. I let her keep it cause I never use it. I floated around. I didn't walk because I didn't want to wake them up. I was all alone. Collin, Brine, Shadow and ArmenBrine were... actually I don't know were they are. But honestly I don't care. I hadn't been alone since like years. But it was boring. I could try flying around the house and see if any Empire Guards are here? I looked around the house. I fixed the wall that Briny broke. I went out side to the cold air. But surprisingly it was quiet. No Guards, no wind, no nothing. I layed down on the grass and I looked at the stars. Finally I closed my eyes.

I see green. A lot of green. Could this be? Not a nightmare?! Over a year I haven't seen a nice dream. I looked up still seeing the stars. I breathed calmly. I walked around seeing all of my friends there in front of me, smiling. Then a lightning flashed behind me. I turned around to see Briney there. And he smiled too.

Another lightning flashed and everybody's smile's had been replaced with a frown. They looked at me like I was a monster. I looked at my hands. I sow blood. I looked at them again. They'r face's filled with shock, fear and terror. I couldn't move. I was changed up to a wall. The Empire Guards were all around me with axes and swords. They tried to save my friends from me. Even Shadow, Brine and Briney. I closed my eyes hoping that this nightmare would end. But instead I felt pane. I opened my eyes and I sow that two Guards were punching me. I cough up blood and I tried to breath. They stopped. They took me into the opening. Into the center of The Empire. The people watched me and they laughed as fury filled my body. I jumped myself into the air with fireballs in my hands. I looked around and I threw them. The Empire was destroyed in seconds. I looked at the destruction I had caused. Suddenly I fell down into the water. It hurt my Ender side. I got out and I shook the water off of me. What is going on?

I teleported somewhere. I sow Drake, Armen and Grayson fighting Herobrine. Armen runned towards Herobrine. I tried to say "STOP!" But I couldn't. I thought that he would posses Armen, but he flied aside. Armen fell into the lava. Grayson was next. He charged into Herobrine but he was stopped by Drake who yelled out "STOP!" I felt bad. Herobrine used his arrow attack and it hit Grayson. Drake was the only one alive. Herobrine came to him and killing him with his sword. He looked at me next. But he didn't do anything.

A bright light was behind him blinding me. I opened my eyes to see Drake and Armen on a brigde. Drake asked Armen "how we got here?" Armen shrugged. I sow a dagger and I grabed it. They only could see a dagger floating. I thoughed the dagger to Armen and he picked it up looking at me. They walked to a house but suddenly we teleported to the Nether. There was that dagger again I picked it up a gave it to Arnen. Drake was so confused. We teleported again into a artic base. This time the dagger was in my hand and again I gave it to Armen. They met Grayson in there and they went to an adventure to stop Herobrine.

Again the same thing happened. He killed them but he smiled to me and said. "Finnaly. We are together." I sow Armen turning into ArmenBrine in the lava and he attacked Herobrine. He came to me and looked at me. He winked and everything went wight and light blue.

He said. "Help...me...from...this... nightmare..."

I opened my eyes. It was still night and everybody was still asleep.

'What a weird nightmare.' I think.

I called for Collin, Brine, Shadow and Briney but I got no response. I could hear that Angoria was waking up. I went inside the house to say good morning to her.

My Haunted (2016-17)Where stories live. Discover now