Concerts Concerts and More Concerts

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I woke up in Louis's bed cuddled in his arms. His arm was around my waist while my head was leaning on his chest. I was listening to his heart beat which soothed me. He soon awoke and he kissed my nose.

"Good morning" I said smiling

"Good morning boo" He said smiling

"EVERYONE WAKE UP WE HAVE TO GET UP!!!!" Alex yelled making me very annoyed

"Shut da hell up" Me and Lou yelled in unison

I pulled away the curtain and hopped off the bunk bed. Today we had a concert, then a concert tomorrow, and then another concert tomorrow. Yup we had quite the busy schedule.

But the good news was that we had off a weekend. We were in Holmes-Chapel right now and our next stop is Wolverhampton.

I quickly grabbed my stuff and headed off to one of the showers. After washing my hair and all that stuff I put on my outfit.

It was a black spagehtti strap tank top and tucked it in with a neon blue hi low skirt. I brushed and dried my hair and put it in a bun plait.

For my make-up I applied black mascara and a cat eye. I slipped on my black toms and exited the foggy bathroom.

"Come on we have an interview than rehearsal and then the concert" Alex said dragging me off the bus

She literally pushed me into the van ontop of Lou's lap.

"Wow well thanks for messing up my outfit" I said to Alex

"Your very welcome" She said sticking out her tongue

"You look lovely" Lou said kissing me softly

Everyone started talking and laughing and just having a good time. Even know I still can't believe that me and Alex made it big time.

Ever since we were little we would always watch the VMA'S and always say 'Wow I wish we were there' and we finally did. I finally achevied something I always wanted to be.

We finally pulled up to the big glass building, and Lou helped me out the van. As we walked in the building we were greeted by a girl around our age.

"Hey my name's Lexi and I'll be your interviewer" She said shaking our hands

We walked onstage and were greeted by lots of claps and shoutings and screams. This interview was gonna be in front of a live audience.

"Ok and we are back with One Direction and the TroubleMakers" The interviewer said with a bright smile


After the interview was over we had to go to rehearsal's. Me and Alex had to learn this dance thingy.

Mark, our choreagrapher met us at the building and we immediately started. In 2 minutes I was already sweating.


We were backstage out our concert and you would not believe how many fans showed up. I ended up changing because of how much sweat there was in my clothes.

Me and Alex had just finished our performance and now the lads were on.

The lads finally finished there performance and we headed back onto the tour bus. Everyone was exhausted and tired so we all fell asleep in a fort we made.

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