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I woke up next to my handsome boyfriend who was snoring lightly. Maybe it was better this way, it's time for me to move on.

I think it's what's best for me and my future. Today I figured I would take Beau back home and tell everyone were dating.

"Goodmorning babe" Beau said giving me a peck on the cheek

"Goodmorning, I was wondering if you wanted to come to my flat and we could tell everyone were dating?" I asked hopeful he would say yes

"Of course, I would love too" He said smiling

"K let's get ready" I said getting up and grabbing an extra pair of clothes from his closet

Yes I keep clothes here, me and Beau have been bestfriends since forever.

I took a shower and changed into deniem shorts and a short sleeved fit black shirt.

As I walked out the bathroom I saw Beau was already dressed and had took a shower.

I put on my white hi-top Converse and Beau interlocked my hand with his as we walked to his car.

Hopefully this will go alright.

{After Car Ride}

We pulled into the long driveway and got out.

"Ready?" I said pausing at knocking the door

"Ready as I'll ever be" He said giving me a reassuring smile

I knocked on the door three times since I didn't have my keys on me.

The door swung open to reveal a very flustered Alex. I'm guessing it's because I didn't tell her where I was.

"Where in the world have you've been, I've been rushing around the house, trying to call you, Lou was having a major breakdown so now he's locked inside his room, oh yah and I thought you were dead" She said all out of breath after her little ramble

I couldn't help but chuckle a bit, as she stood there trying to regain her breath.

"Oh hey Beau what are you doing here?" She finally asked

"That's why I came here, I have something to tell all of you" I said suddenly interested with my shoes

"Ok well come on" Alex said leading us inside

We walked down the long hallway that lead to the living room where everyone- even Lou, was gathered.

"Jessy!" They yelled excitedly and we all formed a group hug

After they let me go I noticed a petite girl, about my age with brown hair.

"Hey Jess I missed you so much" Kimberly said coming from upstairs

We hugged each other tightly and she quitely whispered in my ear "That's Lou's new girlfriend be nice"

When we pulled apart I gave her a looked that said 'I'll try my best'.

We all gatherd up in the living room so me and Beau could tell them the news.

"So, uh how's it going?" I asked awkwardly

"Good it's only been 24 hours since you left" Niall said laughing

"Riiight" I said

"Oh Jessy this is Eleanor Calder, Lou's new girlfriend" Alex said trailing off her sentence

"Nice to meet you" I said smiling at her

Now that me and Beau are together I don't have a problem with this. But I did feel a pang of hurt in my heart.

"Nice to meet you too" Eleanor said revealing her soft British accent

"So long time no see, Beau" Alex said

Now before you get all confused I explain it. Before Alex and I became famous we were bestfriends with the Brooks brothers and we still are.

But we haven't seen each other for 4 whole months.

"Yah it's good to see you" Beau said smiling

"So we have something to tell you" I said anxious and wanting to get this over with

"Ok what?" Kimberly asked

"Me and Beau are dating" I said smiling

All throughout the living room were awes and congrats.

Except from Lou of course.

"Come on El let's go" He said grabbing her hand and rushing out of here

The room filled with a silence, not a good kind of silence but not a bad one. An awkward one.

"Well congrats love birds" Niall said breaking the silence

"Yah and if you ever hurt her I will cut off your balls and stick something very sharp up your butt" Kimberly and Alex said smiling sweetly

We all broke out into laughter to where the point tears where rolling down our faces.

"Babe I'm sorry but I've got to go to a meeting with the crew" Beau said giving me a quick peck on the lips

"K bye babe" I said hugging him tightly

Everyone continued with their own conversation as I just sat in my seat and thought.

Why would Lou just storm up and out of here the moment I said that? Shouldn't he be happy with El? He can't possibly like me right?

But most importantly......

I'm not falling for him again am I?

Zayn's Best Friend ➣ z.m auOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz