Carrot Boxes & Pregnancy Tests

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I woke up with a sudden erge to throw up. As I quickly ran to the bathroom I just made it as I puked in the toliet. Huh that's funny I should've had my period. It's late by two weeks.

Uh-Oh, this was the same thing that happened to Alex when she was pregnant. But me and Lou didn't- Oh wait yes we did. I panickly went over to Niall's room knowing Kimberly would be in there. Of course I was right, her and Niall were cuddled up in bed, there eyes focused on the tv playing a film.

"Kimmy I need to talk to you." I said. She walked over to me with a look of concern on her face.

"What's wrong?"

I whispered silently so Niall couldn't hear "I-I think I might be........pregnant". And with that she took off to go get ready. She came back a little while later and told me to stay and wait here while she went to go get it. I walked downstairs and sat down next to Lou who was watching the soccer game.

"Hey babe" He said as he kissed my forehead. I smiled slightly having confidence that Louis would be there if I was pregnant. "Lou?" I said.

"Yes?" He said taking his brown shimmering eyes off the flat screen to look at me. "Would you always stay with me?" I asked hesitantly.

"Babe what kind of question is that, of course I would stay with you. Your my everything and I am probably the luckiest guy in the world to have you. And I was really stupid for cheating on you" He said as he hung his head low wiith guilt.

"Babe trust me it's okay" I said lifting his head up and kissing him. He smiled happily as we cuddled closer to each other. A second later Kimmy came running in the door with a white plastic bag. She handed it over to me as I stood up to go to the bathroom.

"Babe what's in the bag?" Louis asked stopping me dead in my tracks. "Make-up" I said quickly as it was the only lie I could think up.

Before he could say anything else I ran to the bathroom and took out the pregnancy test. Okay, so all I had to do was pee on a stick. That seemed pretty easy. I sat down on the toliet and peeded on the stick and set it on the counter. Now all I had to do was wait five minutes.

~Five Minutes Later~

Well let me tell you; five minutes felt like five hours. I was still sitting patiently on the bathroom countertop as I fiddled with my hands. My alarm on my phone went off, signaling it had been five minutes.

I nervously looked over at the white little stick that the held the answer my life depended on. As I held up the stick my question had been answered.

I was pregnant! I had a baby growing inside of me. Now to tell Lou the news and I had the perfect idea. I quickly put the pregnancy test that said 'positive' in an orange box covered with cartoon drawed carrots with a carrot covered bow.

"Can I come in?" Kimmy asked knocking on the door.

"Yup" I said happily popping the P. She quickly walked in shutting the door behind her as she looked over at me for an answer. I nodded my head fastly with excitement as I out the finished touches on the box. "Is Alex and Zayn here?" I asked. "Yup" Kimmy said.

I walked out nervously with the box in my hands. Everyone was gathered in the kitchen, sitting on the island stools talking. "Jessy!" Alex said as she ran over to me and hugged me tightly. "Hi" I said as I hid the box behind my back.

I sat down next to Lou as I carefully placed the box in the center of the island; making everyone look at it. "Babe what's that?" Lou asked. "Open it" I said smiling.

He quickly took off the bow carrot bow and started tearing apart the box. It was like he was a five year old boy on Christmas day. As he took off the lid he looked at the pregnancy test with a huge smile on his face. "Babe is this-?".

"Yup were having a baby!" I yelled out as he hugged me and squeezed me. Everyone said there congratulations for me and Lou and before we knew it it was time for Kimmy's concert.

{Backstage at Concert}


The crowd was roaring with excitement as they chanted my name. Girls of all different ages from 7 to 18; heck some were probably 25 all came to see me. I was standing backstage, my gold microphone in hand and my golden colored ear piece in my ear. I soon became more anxious by the second as I was waiting for the music to start.

But right before Niall headed over to me to wish me good luck like always. "Hey babe" I said as he kissed my cheek. "Hi, good luck out there. I know your gonna kill it." Niall said as he twirled the engagment ring around my finger.

I smiled slightly and blushed as I looked him in his blue crystal eyes. Looking in his eyes made me feel like I was in a trance and never wanted to come out. I couldn't have asked for a better soon-to-be husband. I mean me, Kimberly Summers; small town girl who made it famous was going to be marrying the Niall Horan. But to me he wasn't just Niall Horan, he was he man of my dreams.

"I love you" I said.

"I love you too" He replied back as he kissed me gently.

The music started to one of my new songs called 'Dream'. "Well that's my cue" I said before taking a deep breath and walking out on stage to be met by the shining lights and amazing fans.

As I started singing I saw Mary with her daughter whose name was Alyssa as I learned when I met her backstage. The whole time she wouldn't stop crying tears of joy. And all she kept saying was how I was her inspiration and how much she loved me. As I watched her in the crowd I saw her smiled up at me.

And just like that it made my day of thinking how I'm thousands of little girls role models.



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