I Told You So!

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Kimberly and I just pulled up to Beau's house which he shares with the rest of his band.

I opened up my door and slammed it closed and walked angrily to the door.

Me and Kimberly knocked angrily five times on the door.

"Are you sure there home?" Kimberly asked

"Yah Beau's car is here so I guess so" I said pointing over at Beau's car

A little while later Jai opened the door.

"Oh hey Alex and Kimberly how'd it-"

"Save it, is Beau here?" I asked cutting him off

"Yah right in the living room come in" He said opening the door wider

Me and Kimberly walked down the hallway and ended up in the living room.

"Hey Alex and Kimberly what are you-" Beau said but Kimberly cut him off

"HOW DARE YOU DO THAT TO JESSICA SHE LOVED YOU, YOUR SUCH A DICK!!" She yelled with all her might making everyone jump

"What are you talking about?" He asked playing stupid

"Don't you fucking dare play stupid with me, you had to go out with your ex and cheat on Jess I saw you right there and I even have proof" I said gritting my teeth showing how much hate I have towards him right now

"No it wasn't what it looked like" He said saying what every guy would say in this type of situation

The palm of my hand made contact with the left side of his face, leaving a stinging pain on my hand.

"That's for hurting my bestfriend" I said

Kimberly slapped him on his right cheek aswell.

"That's for hurting my bestfriend too" She said before going back to the car

I knelt down so I was at the same eye level with Beau and said "I told you so" and left.

I got into the car and drove away back towards the flat. Smiling happily of what we did.

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