Having The Family Over

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I woke up to the sound of crying, I strecthed and looked at the time.

5:00 a.m.

"Zayn wake up!" I said hitting him on the chest

"What?" He said rolling over on his side to face me

"The twins" I said as I rolled out of bed and into their room

The crying was coming from Lexi, I walked over and picked her up. I started bouncing her then craddling her.

"What's wrong baby" I said in a baby voice making her smile

"Zayn come here!" I yelled lightly to not wake up Sam

"What" He said

"Look she's smiling" I said

"Oh my god that's adorable, let me see her" Zayn said

"Good because she needs to be changed" I said handing her over and hurrying out the room

I walked down to the kitchen and made myself a cup of coffee. As I sat down on the island stool Zayn came to join me. "So how'd it go?" I said laughing

"Actually pretty good" He said

I took a sip of my steaming coffee letting it burn in my throat. "I was thinking today we could invite your family and my family over" I said

"Yah that'd be lovely" Zayn said as I laughed slightly. "What's so funny?" He asked

"You said lovely" I said chuckling

"Your so stupid" Zayn said pinching my cheeks and kissing me softly

"I'm glad I have you" I said

"Me too" Zayn said

"Well I'm going back to sleep so we can have our parents over" I said as I finished my coffee and put my cup in the sink and walked my way upstairs along with Zayn

I slid underneath the red covers and snuggled closer to them before I shut my eyes and drifted off to a deep sleep.


I woke up once again hearing the sound of crying. As I walked into the room I saw Zayn taking care of Sam this time. I watched closely as he started changing her diaper. He was actually doing it right which suprised me. As he threw away the old diaper and put on a new one on. Once he was done he picked Sam up and made baby noises at her.

"Your daddy's wittle princess, yes you are yes you are" He said in a cute baby voice playing with her feet as she laughed and smiled

I leaned against the door frame, laughing which made him snap his head towards me. "How long have you been there?" He asked as he gently placed Sam in her crib

"Ever since 'your daddy's little princess yes you are, yes you are" I said mocking him

"Haha very funny" He said as he came over to me and started kissing me

"Zayn stop!" I said playfully

"Our parents are coming in an hour so you better start getting ready" Zayn said as I made our way to my bathroom

I took a shower and washed my hair. When I stepped out I wrapped a towel around me. As I walked into my walk-in closet I found the perfect outfit.

It was a white flowy skirt that fell down to my feet and a light blue tube top that I tucked in. I curled my hair lightly and added a little bit of make-up.

"Babe you look gorgeous" Zayn said as he wrapped his arms around my waist

"Thanks you look handsome yourself" I said as I sprayed 'Our Moment' on myself

"Nice choice" Zayn said as he saw me pick up the little pink bottle and spray it on me

I laughed lightly as I heard the doorbell ring. "Zayn come on let's go get the twins" I said as I ran to the twins room and picked up Lexi

Now your probably wondering how do we tell them apart. Well it's easy Lexi has on the pink onesie with her name on it and Sammi has on a purple one. Zayn picked up Sam and we made our way downstairs until we reached the front door.

As I opened the door I saw my mum and my three brothers, and Zayn's mum and dad, along with Doniya, Waliyha, and Safaa.

"Hey come on in" Zayn said as we let them in

We led them all into the huge living room where we sat down. "Oh my gosh she's so cute" Trish said as I handed over Lexi to her

"What's there name's?" My mum asked

"That one's Lexi and the one Doniya is holding is Samantha but we call or Sam or Sammi" I said watching us both our families were all getting together

My two twin brothers were talking with Zayn's sisters, and my mum was talking to Trish and Yaser.

"Aunt Alex can I hold Lexi?" Safaa asked

"Of course" I said as Doniya handed her over to her

Me and Zayn were talking to each other until Trish got us together for a family photo. Me and Zayn were in the middle holding Lexi and Sam while our parents were both on our sides and our siblings were in the back.

After we took the picture I put it on Instagram with the caption:

Alex_Official: Our new addition to our family, everyone meet Lexi and Samantha Rose-Malik!

I uploaded the photo and the whole fandom went crazy.

"Well hunny were gonna go but thank you so much for having us over" My mum said as she gave me a kiss on the cheek

"Bye sis" Blake said as all my brothers gave me a hug

After my family left Zayn's family left and said there goodbyes. Soon Lexi started crying. I smelt her to see if it was her diaper, nope she didn't smell. So I fed her and after she was good.

I put her up in her crib and saw Sammi sleeping peacefully. I then heard my phone ringing as I looked for it.

I finally found it, under the kitchen sink? What the hell is it doing there. I looked at my phone and saw it was a text from Kimmy.

{Text Conversation}

Kimmy😘: Hey boo me, Kendall, Danielle, and Jess are going dress shopping for me tomorrow wanna tag along?

AlexBear💞: Sure pick me up bye

{Text Conversation Over}

I looked at the time as it read 10:00 pm. I walked into the living room and laid on the couch as I was watching some late night show. My eyes soon began to drop as I started drifting off to sleep.

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