chapter 4

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Jen's POV

Colin and I stayed outside and talked. Crazy things were happening inside. Lana was completely drunk. Ginny and Josh had to leave to put the kids to bed. I look inside and see Lana and Bex standing on the table. "Looks like Lana got Bex drunk too." I laugh.

"They're crazy." He laughs, and then we laugh together.

"I'm going to go in, you?"

"Sure." He smiles and stands up.

I walk inside and all I hear is Lana and Bex shouting the words to The Words by Christina Perri. The slowest song, but somehow it seemed like it was a hundred times faster.

"Colin, it's your song!" I laugh.

"Oh, Jen, please."

We're not aware of the song change, but when the chorus comes on, all of our eyes are on one person.

Lana is standing by her chandelier singing chandelier by sia.

"AND I WANNNA SWIIINNNG FROM THE CHANDELIER!!!! FROM THE CHANDELIER!" She slurred singing way off pitch and way off key. she was practically hanging from the chandelier when Bex came up. "HEY BEX! COME SWING WITH ME! ITS LIKE TARZAN!"

"Make room for the wicked!" Bex calls out.

"Someone's drunk!" I laugh while I start to dance myself.

"Alright Lana, enough of the show." Ginny says as she shuts the music off.

"Baby, get down here," Fred called. His wife being drunk was a normal occasion. "Lana DiBlasio." He calls as he picks her up and holds her in his arms.

Ginny stands up on the table. "So, Josh and I were thinking we could all go to the beach tomorrow before the opening party."

Everyone nods and agrees.

"So we'll meet at 10 at the beach." We all nod. "See you all then!" She waves.

"Well, Ginny sure does know how to wrap a party up." Colin laughs.

We're standing outside waiting for our cabs. Mine comes first. "See you at the beach?" I smile.

"Goodnight, Jen." He nods.

"Night Colin."

When I'm at my hotel I decide to lay on my couch and watch some movies. When I'm halfway through my second movie, I hear a knock on the door. I slowly walk over and open the door. The man pushed me against the wall, slammed the door, and kissed me. 

hahaha i left you on a cliffhanger! who came to jen's door? dun dun dun!!! 

sorry i haven't updated, i was on vacation. ill maybe update later today or tomorrow idk lol...comment what you think!!!!



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