chapter 13

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 Six months passed since we came home from San Diego. Colin and I were still dating. Our relationship grew stronger as the days went by. I loved him more and more every day. Colin moved into a small apartment right down the street from my complex. We carpooled to set everyday. Almost everyday he would bring me coffee he made or we would stop at Starbucks. Days on set were always entertaining. We all grew closer during season six filming. Often we would spend the night together in one of our trailers. It was the perfect life.

Today is special, today is Colin's birthday. He told me he was skyping Evan at 8. He went inside his trailer, and it was time to take our plan into action. Josh and Sean assembled the folding table. Lana and Ginny brought out the cake. The rest of the cast came out behind us. I stood right outside the door with my phone ready. I heard him say goodbye and motioned everyone to get in their places. He thought he was walking over to my trailer to watch a movie. He opened the door and we all yelled "Surprise!"

"Bloody-," he jumped. After looking around he commented, "Is this all for me?" I smiled and nodded. He smiled brightly.

"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you," we sang. I pulled out my phone and started recording for my instagram story. "happy birthday dear colin, happy birthday to you." He smiled, and turned to face me.

"Are you taking a picture?" I nodded and he blew out the candles. We all cheered. He turned to face me again and wrapped me in hug. I put my arms around his neck as he held me at my waist and picked me up off the ground. "Thank you, love." I smiled and returned to the ground.

"Always, captain." I winked and he pulled me in for a quick kiss. I blushed when I realized that the entire cast was staring at us. With my arms wrapped around his neck, I exclaimed, "Cake?" Everyone cheered, and Josh began to cut the cake. I brought my hand down and held Colin's. The cast came running in line to get a piece of cake, but him and I stood still in the crowd. "Happy birthday, baby." I smiled as my lips met his again.


The party ended, and everyone had gone except Colin and I. Everything was cleaned up. We sat on the couch of his trailer cuddling. "It's nice to have peace and quiet." He murmured in my ear.

"I agree." I move my head back into his shoulder.

He turned and began to kiss my neck. "Thank you for an amazing party, baby." He whispered between kisses.

I smiled. "You're welcome. I had so much fun between spending time with everyone and planning the surprise."

"You sure did startle me, lass. That's for sure." He chuckled.

"How about we watch something on Netflix?" I suggest.

"No. How about we just lay here?" His grip tightened on me.

"If that's what the birthday boy wants," I giggle and recline back into him. We laid there happily, in each others arms until Colin spoke up.

"I'm so tired of living in this trailer." He sighed.

"I don't mind mine. I mean, I miss my old apartment, but I prefer to have the extra money in stead of paying the rent. And besides, living right next to my boyfriend, you can't beat that." I smile.

"How about we don't live next to each other anymore?"

"What do you mean?"

"How about we...we live together?"

"Colin, there's no way the two of us could live in this small trailer, I mean-"

"No, no. I've been looking at apartments and small houses downtown and I was thinking, well, maybe we could get one together."

"Really?" My face lit up. He nodded. "Wow, I mean, that would be amazing, I mean, yes!" I exclaimed.

He brought his lips to mine. I kissed back passionately. As his hands slowly ran down my back, I tangled my fingers in his hair. He moved around, turning me on my back and laying on top of me. As our kiss escalated, we found ourselves standing up, then twirling through the hallway, and finally falling on the bed in the back of the trailer. And the rest, well, it was a happy birthday indeed.


an // omg y'all wow. december 9th to february 14th with no update. thank you guys for sticking with this story and still reading it after i took a little break. between school and midterms and the holidays, my life was a mess. but now i'm back, and i hope i can update more often. thanks amazing dudes of the internet. ily.  

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