chapter 5

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 "Jesse?" I scream as soon as I push him away. 

"Missed me?" He smirks and pushes me against the wall. I push him back. 

"What the hell are you doing?" I yell. 

"Jen, Baby,"

"No! Do not call me baby!" 

"Calm down, Jenny." 

"Jesse get away!" 

"Jen, I still want you!" 

"Get off of me!" 

"Jen, things didn't end well last time and-" 

"No, Jesse, they didn't end well last time because you, yes you, cheated on me!" I scream. He starts kissing me again and I push away and start screaming. Then hear another knock on the door. I'm still screaming while Jesse tries to lift up my shirt and kiss my neck. Then I finally make it over and open the door. 

"Get off of her!" A voice yells. I didn't have time to see who it was, but I noticed one distinction. An Irish accent. 

I still scream, but stop when Jesse steps away from me. I am breathing heavily. 

"Get out." The Irish voice yells. "Now." Jesse quickly rushes out the door and it closes behind him. Colin runs over to me and grabs me in a hug. I hug him back and start to cry. "You're ok, You're ok. Sssssshhh." He runs his fingers through my hair. I bury my head in his chest. "Don't cry, don't cry, Jennifer, please." 

I try to stop crying and look up at him. "Thank you." 

"You're welcome, love." I blush. Did he just call me love? Colin, calling me love? I was confused but pulled him close. 

"Colin?" I mumble. 


"Can you stay with me?" 

"Of course, love." Again, he called me love. He rubbed my back and rested his chin on my head. "Want to watch some Netflix?" he asks. 

"Sure." I smile and sit down on the hotel couch. Colin and I sat on separate ends of the couch. "What do you want to watch?" 

"Your choice." 

"Ok, lets start off with The Princess Bride and then watch some Once." I laugh. 

"As you wish." He smiles with a twinkle in his eye. He is so attractive! I think. Jen, what are you thinking. This man is going through a divorce. A divorce! I come back to conciseness and I look over at him. I realize he's looking at me, not the movie. I scoot closer to him and he does the same. We watch more of the movie, slowly moving towards each other. When we were almost done with the movie, he put his arm out. I came closer so we were touching, his arm was around my shoulder. I put my head on his shoulder, and my arm behind his back. He rests his head on my head. It was perfect. I smile and we finish the movie. 

We start watching the season three finale. We make jokes and bust on each other the entire time. When Emma and Hook go out and sit at the table, we stop talking. He pulls me closer to him. I look up at him and realize that he is looking at me too. 

"You traded your ship for me?" The TV says. 

I look into Colin's eyes and slowly move closer. I see him close his eyes as I take a deep breath. His eyes open, and I scoot up so our faces are at the same level. "Colin-" 

"It's ok." He moves his hands so they're cupping my cheeks. I move my hands up to his shoulders. "Aye." The TV says, as Colin pulls me close and our lips meet. I kiss him back, enjoying every moment. His hands run through my hair as I press him close to me. My hands start messing with his hair, and his hands run slowly down my back. It was slow, not trying to take it too fast. I break away after a short while. 

"Colin, we, we, we can't do this." I sigh and let go of him. I slowly go back to my position on the other side of the couch. 

"Jen, hold on." Colin whispers as he scoots closer to me and tucks a piece of hair behind my ear. I smile at the gesture. 

"Colin, it isn't right. You're still legally married, and I don't want to be seen as a family wrecker." A tear falls from my eye. 

"Jen, baby, the divorce papers will be finalized soon, and Helen and I will no longer be a couple." 

"Colin, they'll think that you divorced her because of me!" I start to cry. Colin picks me up and places me in his lap, being held by his one arm. He took his other hand and wiped my tears. 

"Jen, please don't cry." 

"I'm sorry." I mumble. 

"Shhh, don't be sorry." He leans over and kisses my forehead. 

"Someone's feeling a little romantic." I laugh. 

"I'm going to be a single man soon, I need some practice," he laughs.

I pull him into a hug. "You're my best friend, Colin O'Donoghue." I smile and pull him close. 

"Aye. You too." 

"Thank you for everything you've done tonight. For  coming to protect me from Jesse,  for staying, just for being my best friend." 

"Aye love. Well I should get going now." 

"Of course," I smile. "Thank you, again, Colin." 

"Of course Jen." 

"Goodnight Colin." I say as he gets to the door. 

"Goodnight, Jen." He says after he kisses my forehead. Once I shut the door, I smile. I felt different, like something was going to change between us. My silly little crush for Colin O'Donoghue turned into this. Romance. And now it was blossoming, and it was real. 

"I love you," I whisper as the door closes. 


Thanks for reading this!!! Love you all <3

School starts in two weeks for me, so I will probably not be updating as much, or who knows. 


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