chapter 16

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Colin and I had a nice dinner date. We headed back to our house. We overlooked our scripts for the next day. I came across our second scene. Tears filled my eyes and a lump blocked my throat. I slid the script back in my bag and headed up to the bedroom. I put my pajamas on and crawled in bed. Colin knocked on the door and walked in. I was hiding under all the blankets crying. "Love?" he asked gently and sat on the edge of the bed. "Jennifer?" he asked again. I sniffled and peeked my eyes above the blanket. "Jennifer, what's wrong?" He rubbed my forehead.

"Nothing," I faked a smile.

"C'mon love, I'm here." He crawled over me and slid underneath the blankets with me. He wrapped his arms around me and spooned me.

"It's nothing, it's stupid," I smiled gently.


"It's our scene." I admitted. "The scene where she gives the ring back."

"Oh," he said as he rubbed my arms. "I'm sorry,"

"It's okay, it just, it's really emotional for me. You know, with Jesse and everything," I sniffled.

"I know. It's okay, love. Now, calm down love. We have a long day ahead of us."

"Thank you. Goodnight, Colin," I smiled and relaxed myself in his arms.

"Goodnight, Jennifer."

I loved the way my name rolled off his tongue. That night, and many, many nights and days after when we sat a Comic Con. Holding hands beneath the table, Adam announced that we had something to tell the fans.

"So, um, Jen and I have something we've been wanting to tell you guys." Colin started and glanced over at me. .

"Colin and I, uh, we, uh, we" I returned the look to him and bit my lip. He leaned across the small space and pulled his lips to mine. I was taken by surprise but quickly kissed back. The entire crowd roared, screams and squeals filling the room. I smiled as I pulled away and rested our foreheads together. The cast made cute noises into their microphones. Colin and I kissed one more time in front of the screaming crowd. I slid into his lap. Josh stood up and walked over to us and stuck his head between Colin and I. "Let's keep this PG you two." He said into Colin's microphone.

My face turned bright red. "Anyways, I'm dating Jennifer." he said as I beamed. I absolutely loved the way he said my name. At Comic Con, and on our last day filming the series finale in the center of Steveston, or as we knew it, Storybrooke. I walked out into the square at sunset, to see the square outlined in candles, a path leading to the direct center. Fans stood around the borders, along with my family. Colin stood in the middle and took my hand as I made my way to him. Tears filled my eyes as he began a romantic speech in the middle of everybody. My hands were shaking as I watched him get down on one knee. My name grasped my attention. "Jennifer Marie Morrison, will you do me the greatest honor, and become my wife? Jennifer Marie, will you marry me?" I nodded vigorously as I cupped his face in my hands.

"Yes, yes, yes.' I whispered as I brought our lips together in a passionate kiss.

6 years ago I met Colin. We were best friends until 2 years ago. Then I became his girlfriend. We spent 4 years together, hiding our feelings. But when I'm asked if I would go back and do it all over again, I always say,

I Wouldn't Trade a Day. 


so that's it, y'all!!

i've been writing this story for over a year and quite honestly i became fairly bored with it. i'm not the most consistent writer in the world, but i really hope you enjoyed this short story. 

i'm working on a new story at the moment, so please follow and stay tuned! 

i'm considering an epilogue for this story. please let me know if you would like one!

again, i hope you enjoyed this story and i can't wait to share my newest works with you! 

xoxo, em

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