Chapter 7- Meet the Daddy

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Her Secret Father

Chapter 7- Meet the Daddy

“Daddy!” I screamed jumping out of the truck as fast as I could and running over to the ladder as he started to climb down.

“Hey, Sweetie!” his voice full of shock as he climbed the rest of the way down and turned to face me. “I missed you so much!” he murmured as he lifted me up and swirled me in a circle.

“I missed you too, Daddy.” I replied, my voice full of glee; a smile stuck on my face.

“What brings y’all down here?” he replied, his southern accent coming out strong. As he set me down he walked the couple steps to where my brothers stood chuckling at my behavior, and hugged them both also.

“Hey, Dad. How have you been?” Bradley asked as he stepped out of dad’s hug.

“I’m doing good, son. What about you?” dad replied picking up his belt from the small table on the porch and started to pull it back through the loops of his jeans.

“Why don’t we go inside and watch a football game.” dad suggested as soon as he was done buckling his belt.

I nodded in agreement, jumping onto Berkley’s back. He laughed loudly before taking off into a sprint to the front door while I giggled with glee.

“I hear you were late to lunch, little lady.” dad teased, as he caught up to Berkley and I, to unlock the front door.

“It’s not my fault!” I screamed, my checks flushing red from embarrassment.

“How is it not your fault?” Bradley chuckled, walking up behind us.

“I fell asleep, and then I was on the phone with Brayden…” I trailed off, realizing I had just dug myself a hole that I wasn’t getting out of.

“Who the hell is Brayden?” Berkley spat, setting me back on my feet.

“And why haven’t we met him?!” Bradley continued, his voice just as harsh.

“Are you dating this boy, Blair?” my dad sternly asked, obviously not happy about the idea.

“No daddy. Brayden is a man that I met at lunch with Kylah and Camden, and you haven’t met him because he is just a friend.” I sighed, rolling my eyes at their protectiveness.

“How did you meet him?” Berkley grunted, obviously still peeved that he hasn’t met him yet.

“He was Camden’s best man and is Camden’s best friend. Are we done with the interrogation now?” I pleaded, desperate to get off the topic.

“We need to meet this boy, Blair.” my dad demanded.

“No, you guys don’t.” I groaned, opening the front door and walking through the hallway and into the kitchen I grew up in.

“Blair, you are still a-”

“No ,dad, I am not still a child. I am a grown woman, and I will do as I please. For goodness sake I am 25 years old!” I could hear dad and the boys barging through the door and stomping their way towards the kitchen where I sat on the counter popping grapes into my mouth carelessly.

As they walked into the kitchen, I saw their faces, the anger screaming at me to fun, but I knew better, they would never hurt me. “If you say one more thing about Brayden, I swear I will walk out that door right now and you won’t see me again. Do you understand? I am sick of being tr5eated like a child. I am only 6 years younger than you Berkley and only 3 years younger than you, Bradley. I am a grown woman and I damn well deserve to be treated like one.” I explained, my lips pulled down into a frown.

“I’m sorry, Lulu.” Berkley gulped at the same time Bradley sheepishly smiled and said, “I’m sorry, Bell.”

“It’s all good guys.” I shrugged, feeling better now that I had gotten that off my chest.

“Honey…” my dad started but I immediately cut him off with a shake of my head, pulling

him into hug.

“I love you, daddy.”

“I love you too, sweet pea.” he murmured against the top of my head.

“Can we watch the football game now?” Berkley questioned, impatiently.

“Sure thing, bro.” I replied, skipping my way out of the kitchen and into the living room, plopping myself down on the sofa.

“You have the attention span of a goldfish.” Bradley muttered under his breath as he sat

down to the right of me on the couch, stretching his left arm out over the back of the couch.

“I do not!” I argued, ewe ticking my tongue out at him, childishly.. “Shhh! I’m trying to watch Alabama whoop Harvard’s butt.”

He sighed loudly before yelling to Berkley, “Bring me a beer, Berkley!”

“Bring me a water!” I screamed, just now realizing how thirsty I was.

“Shut up, shut up, shut up,

Don’t want to hear it.

Get out, get out, get out,

Get out of my way.

Step up, step up, step up,

You’ll never stop me.”

My phone started blaring “Shut up” by Simple Plan, the screen flashing my ex-best friend’s name. I immediately answered the call and then ended the call, hoping nobody saw the name. Not even 5 seconds later my phone was going off again. I answered my phone swiftly, angered by the fact that he of all people was calling me.

"What the hell do you want, Seth?" I screamed into the phone. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Bradley stiffen at the sound of Seth's name.

"Please, just talk to me." Seth begged.

"You lost the right to talk to me when you hit me at Kylah's party last year. I don't want you talking to me now leave me the fuck alone!" I exclaimed, tears threatening to overflow.

"I didn't mean to!"

"Well too fucking bad. Leave me alone!" I replied, hatred lacing my voice as the horrid memories from my past flew through my brain like a slideshow. I hurriedly hung up my phone, running into my old room. As I crashed on my bed, the bedroom door locked safely behind me, I let the tears fall. The tears from so long ago came rushing up to the surface. If only Seth hadn't called me.


I am so sorry for the wait on the upload! I have been super busy with family problems and also school drama. I will try my best to get on an uploading schedule but I have semester exams all next week, so I may not be able to upload until next weekend. I hope you enjoyed the chapter!! Comment, vote, and maybe even fan;)

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