Chapter 1

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It was early in the spring of my 19th year that I decided I would get away from my hell hole of a town. I had an opportunity to travel the country on warped tour, I wouldn't be doing anything special, just setting up and operating sound equipment. I was told I was good at what I did, I mean I should be after doing this stuff for the past 7 years.  When the time came to tell my mother that I would be spending my summer on the road she was less than thrilled. She had certain expectations of me and while I did plan on doing something more with my life than sound equipment, I was excited to have this opportunity. She finally however came around when I told her that this would look good on my graduate school admission essay.

"Henry, honey I'm proud that you're doing this, but I'm worried that you won't like it and you can't come home if you're half way across the country," my mother said.  "If I decide that I hate then I'll just suffer through or hitchhike my way back to Tennessee." My mothers face went from worried to genuinely frightened by the hitchhike comment. "Don't worry, I'll be fine," I said as I packed the last of my clothes in the oversized suitcase I had recently purchased just for this tour.

I met my friends in town later that morning to ride to Nashville where warped tour had was being held. I had just decided to wait for it to come to my state than the fly to Texas just to come back to Tennessee the next week. I had my crew pass ready so that I could get to the bus where I'd be spending a good amount of my summer with the other sound crew members. Once I had dropped off my stuff and met some of the crew I went back to enjoy some of the bands that were performing. One of the best things about me touring was the fact that I get to be around all of this music and that made me so happy I couldn't even explain it.

We all watched some of our favorite bands and ate some extremely overpriced food. Then came time for the goodbyes and not just normal goodbyes, but the goodbyes to my best friend. We had been together since we were three and I didn't know how I could handle a whole summer without her. "I don't know if I can do this without you," I said. "You'll do this and you'll kick butt at it," Renee said. "But what if I end up sucking and everyone hates me," I whined. "You don't suck and if people hate you then make them love you. You're good at making people like you. You're quite the charmer with your sarcastic comments and that slight narcissistic thing you got going on," she joked but it was all true.

It was final call and they were shooing fans out of the fairgrounds. We parted ways and I began to walk towards my bus. Man, did things look different after everyone leaves. I walked slowly just so I would have time to gather my thoughts. I got my phone out and called my parents to tell them I was about to leave Nashville. "Be extra careful sweetie," was what my mother said. "Did you pack your taser Henry?" was from my father. It's his way of saying to be careful. "Yes I have it and I fully know how to use it," I said laughing a little bit. "We love you." "I love you guys too, I'll call you soon and send lots of pictures. Bye." Once I finally finished my phone call I was back at the bus. I had been so hopped up on adrenaline and excitement I hadn't realized just how scared I was.

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