Chapter 12

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I woke up the next day frantic because I was late for my set only to remember today was an off day so I didn't have to work. I didn't even know what town we were in at the moment but I knew I didn't want to be on this bus anymore. I dressed myself as quick as possible and jumped out the door. The fresh air hit me in the face and then I had the wind knocked out of me. We were in Ohio, the grand state where somebody I once loved was from. I believe some of his family still lives up here. I shouldn't be thinking about him.
I decide I want to see Ronnie mainly because I want him to call me baby girl again or some other pet name. As I'm walking towards his bus I see that he's already out and walking towards me as well. "Good morning beautiful" he says with a smile that could melt the iciest hearts. I practically skip the rest of the way to him and and say "good morning Mr. Radke" with a smirk. I did not know, however, what this sentence would bring on. Ronnie then grabbed me and pulled me between the buses where no one could see us. His face was inches away from mine when he growled "don't call me that in public." I was confused so I responded with a simple "huh?" and a slight head tilt to further show my confusion. He spoke again, this time with less of a growl. "I only like to be called Mr. Radke or sir in bed" he said. I just stood there in silence because I had just accidentally stumbled onto one of his kinks. I didn't say anything, but I did let a smirk spread across my face.
He broke the stare off we were having by saying "we should go on a date tonight, maybe something romantic." I nodded my head along because the idea did sound nice although I am not one for having to go out into public. "That sounds great but people might think you're a pedophile taking out some teenage girl" I said. "You're far more mature than most thirty year old women" he responded. He quickly grabbed me and said "so I'll pick you up in a couple of hours. Ok?" I smiled and said "yeah, okay. I'll see you then." He hastily kissed me and then ran off. Huh he seemed in a hurry.

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