Chapter 7

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"I want to roll over and die right here" I said as I took the last bite of my food. James and I had eaten about twenty pancakes combined. James couldn't even form a coherent sentence, he just kept mumbling about pancakes. My phone buzzed to let me know I had a text.
"You look beautiful when you're stuffing your face" -RR
I was trying to hide the fact that I was blushing but James still noticed. "What's got you all hot and bothered?" He asked. "Nothing, I've got a sunburn" I lied. I was trying to see Ronnie but there were so many people eating I couldn't find him. I finally found him surrounded by his band mates. His gaze met mine since he had probably been staring at me this whole time. How could a guy like him be so nice? Everyone said he was an ass but I haven't seen that side of him yet.

It's finally time for the set and suddenly I was overwhelmingly nervous. What if I screw it all up while they're performing? What if Ronnie gets mad cause I messed something up? Oh God I'm screwed. Then I remembered, I'm the best at this. The set went well and Ronnie kept looking at me which of course distracted me a bunch, but I never messed up. I really am the best. I went to find James after the set to see if he had gone into a pancake coma yet, but he was nowhere to be found. He's probably asleep in some weird ass place.

The next thing I know someone had snaked their arm around my waist and spun me around. There stood a very sweaty Ronnie holding me against him. "Oh God you smell like death" I said while gagging. "I smell like a man, breathe it in baby" he said as he held me tighter. I finally realized there was no point in fighting, I wouldn't get anywhere. "Now isn't this nice, we're having a real couple moment" he said. "I wouldn't classify this as a couple moment" I said grumbly. "What would you classify it as then oh wise one?" He asked. "Forcible hugging" I said giving him the stink eye. "You're cute when you're grumpy" he said laughing at me. "Wait a second, is no one around? Are we finally alone?" He asked as he started to get excited for no reason. "Yes I believe so and why are you starting to look like a toddler in the toy isle?" I asked. "Because every time I see you we're surrounded by people and people tend to stare when I kiss girls" he said. I was going to respond, but before I could he was kissing me. It was different this time. He was holding me so close that he could probably feel me trembling. His hands were placed on my lower back and were pulling me closer even though there wasn't anymore space between us. I laced my fingers in his black hair. It may have been soaked from sweat but I didn't care. Finally someone coughed and we broke apart quickly. There stood James snickering at us.

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