Chapter 11

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I'm sitting under a tree thinking, wait let me correct that. I'm sitting under a tree sulking like a little kid because suddenly I don't know what to do. James became my friend before I even bothered to learn anybody else's name, but now he's trying to control what I do. I trusted him and now he's gone and decided to like me, which royally fucks everything up. I just wanted a good summer and now I've got a tattooed angel kissing me and a pancakes eating fool trying to ruin it all. James has a slightly right point, Ronnie is a felon who happens to be quite a bit older than me. My mother would kill over if she knew what I was doing on this tour. I can hear her southern voice in my head telling me exactly how she feels about Ronnie. "Henry we raised you better than this, he's a felon and you're going to be a lawyer. Your father and I are coming to get you and you're never allowed to speak to that man ever again." That hypothetical conversation gives me chills just thinking about it.
I guess I'll go back to the buses and lay in bed. As I'm walking I can tell people are looking at me, which is sometimes normal since I look really young. A bunch of them are whispering and I can't tell if it's about me or if I'm just being paranoid. Suddenly I'm being crushed and I'm choking on a horrible smell. I'm released only to see Ronnie staring down at me. He looks relieved. "Oh my God I've been looking for you! I was worried so I started asking people and they said they hadn't seen you in hours." He said seriously. "Oh uhm sorry, I was just trying to get my thoughts together, so I found a quiet spot." I mumbled nervously. "It's fine baby girl, just let me know if you're gonna disappear for a little bit." He said sweetly. He called me baby girl, I don't know if I find that cute or weird seeing as how far away we are in age. He kisses me and I forget all my problems. I'm safe and happy. I finally feel at home for this first time on this tour.

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