Chapter 6

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I couldn't sleep that night mainly because most of the other girls on the bus kept asking me questions. Apparently someone found out about my so called date and told everyone that would listen about it. Unfortunately my face when I walked back on the bus gave it away that something had happened. I mean it was kinda hard to hide the smile I had. I had just been kissed by Ronnie Radke.

Morning finally rolled around and I was going to be running on about three hours of sleep, how exciting. I decided to bum it that day and not even try. Throwing on some running shorts and an old high school band shirt I dashed off the bus before I could be bombarded with more questions. The second my feet touched the ground outside I slammed into someone else. There he stood waiting outside my bus for me. "You look tired" he said. "Uhm yeah the other girls wouldn't stop talking last night" I grumbled. He then started staring at me and more specifically my shirt. "You were in band?" He asked trying to hide his laughter. "Yes I was thank you very much" I said folding my arms over my chest. "Let me guess you played the clarinet or the flute?" He asked not even trying to control his laughing now. "No actually I played the drums for seven years you butthole" I said grumpily. "Seriously?" He asked in a shocked tone. "I never took you for the drum type, honestly I never even thought about you being a band kid" he said. That wasn't normally the case. It's normally pretty easy for people to be able to tell I'm a band geek. "Really? You couldn't tell from how nerdy and weird I am?" I asked him. "No way, you're too pretty and too cool to be a nerdy and weird band kid" he said. The whole time he was giving me his usual stare. The one that goes right through me. I'm pretty sure he was going to kiss me again when James basically came running up to us causing Ronnie and I to jerk backwards. "Henry they have pancakes for breakfast we have to go" as he jumped up and down. Boy he sure does love his food. I said "I'll see you later" to Ronnie and James was pulling me away to the glorious smell of pancakes.

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