Chapter 4

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The next morning I woke up really excited because it was a day off. I loved working with the equipment but ya girl needs a day off every once in a while. James and I had already made plans to go find a place that served fried chicken cause good grief we both wanted some fried chicken real bad. I was able to take one step off the bus before James basically attacked me. "Are you ready to get some chicken?!" He almost yelled as he was pulling me away from the bus. "I am always ready for some chicken", I responded laughing. We had mapped out where the closet fried chicken place was and lucky for me there was a KFC no more than 2 miles away. All we had to do was catch a bus and walk a block to get there.

By the time we got there I could only think about the gloriousness I was about to cram into my body, until I walked through the door only to see the infamous self-proclaimed asshole himself. He spotted me the second I walked into the building. God I was hoping he wouldn't approach. I just wanted one day where it didn't feel like he was staring into my soul with his giant brown eyes. "Henry, funny seeing you here", he said. "Yeah I've been waiting for a day off to get some real fried chicken. That stuff they serve on tour isn't good at all", I said. "So what, you're like a chicken aficionado or something?" He asked laughing. "I pride myself on my ability to know what chicken is good and what isn't", I said seriously. "Well I wasn't aware I would meet the real life queen of chicken on tour this year, I'm honored", he said laughing even more and flashing his teeth. "You should be", was my response. Finally it was my turn to order so I got the $5 fill up since it was what I always got when I had access to a KFC all the time.

Man I was missing home. I even missed the awful southern accents. Now I'm the only one with this thick accent, I might as well just put on some overalls and start playing the banjo. That's basically how everybody sees me now. Just a little hillbilly out touring the world.  I was snapped out of my self-criticism moment by Radke when he sat down right next to me. Why? Why must this man do this? I personally didn't like being up close and personal with anyone but right now all I could do was just stare way too intently at his tattoos that ran all the way up his right arm. Good lord it was actually attractive especially the way his muscles flexed a little every time he would move his arm to eat.  "Like what you see?" He asked with his mouth full of food. "Ha, you wish", I said chuckling. He then got a little closer as if he wasn't already close enough and whispered "Oh believe me I do." Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit. Goosebumps just formed on my arms and legs. His voice got so low and honest to God I started to shake a little bit. I think he noticed that because he seemed pleased with himself. "You're in my bubble", was the only thing I could manage to say and it came so high pitched I think I accidently called some dogs. All he did was laugh a little and then he just resumed eating like nothing had happened. When everyone had finished we all walked outside only for the rest of the band to basically steal James away from me. Then Ronnie walked over to me. He gave me that stupid smile and said "Would you like to go see a movie with me?" "Seriously? Uhm yeah I guess since it appears James has other plans now", I said motioning towards the group of dudes laughing in a circle. "It's a date then", he said smiling even bigger now. "Woah hang on there, not a date. Just two acquaintances going to see a movie", I said panicking a little. "Sure whatever you say Henry", he said smirking at me. 

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