Chapter 3

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The next few days were a blur of music and laughs. I had finally found a place where I could feel comfortable. I made more friends and helped out on several big sets. I met this girl who only joined the crew to try and promote herself as a guitar player. Don't get me wrong, she was great but there was no way a random band would just step in and ask a crew member to play with them. I was assigned to Knuckle Puck one day when one of the supervisors came to me and told me I was being switched to Falling In Reverse. "Why? I've already worked them and I haven't done Knuckle Puck Yet." I said. "You were requested to work their set again," he explained. "But why? By who?" I questioned. "Believe it or not it was Ronnie who asked for you," he said. "Wait, Ronnie? As in Ronnie Radke?" I asked in disbelief. He just nodded. Why the hell would he request me? How does he even know who I am to request me? This ought to be fun.

I went along not trying to think too much about the fact that Radke had requested me to work his set. I mean maybe he just thought I was the best with the equipment. That makes the most sense. He performed like last time. Nothing different except he kept looking at the sound tent. Or maybe the fans around the tent. Yeah probably just the fans around the tent. He sang about how he was asshole and then they were done. That's fitting for him.

I was finishing up and getting ready to leave the tent when someone approached me. He had a backstage pass and looked to be more than a fan. "Are you Miss Hughes?" he asked me. "uh yeah, that's me." I was a little worried I had done something wrong. "The band has asked for you to come backstage so that they can talk to you," he said sternly. "oh ok, let me just grab my stuff," I said as I fumbled around for everything. Oh God why do they want to talk to me?

I followed him through the gates that stood between fans and bands. There he sat with his shirt off once again. What is it with this dude and taking his shirt off. A short guy with blue hair was the first to introduce himself. I think he played the drums. "I'm Ryan," he said. "I see we're blue hair twins," he motioned towards my hair where the blonde turned to a bright blue at the ends. "Yeah I guess we are, I'm Henry by the way." I said sorta laughing. He smiled at me and honest to God he seemed like one of the nicest people in the world. "The other guys are getting food. This is Ronnie," he said pointing to the tattooed dude, "But you probably already know that." He said. "I've heard of him yeah," I said not acting very impressed. Ronnie looked at me the whole time, staring right through me. Geez what was his problem? Oh wait he's an ass. He finally spoke when he said "wait aren't you a little young to be working on this tour?" So condescending as if I'm a child. "Depends on how old you think someone has to be to tour." I said with just a hint of sarcasm. "Well I mean you look 15," he said smiling. "I'm 19, but thanks." I said while rolling my eyes. "Well well looks like I was wrong about something." I made no comment and continued to talk with Ryan.

Finally Ryan said he was going to grab some food and told me to talk to Ronnie, Oh joy. I looked at the man who had a shark tattooed on the side of his head and simply asked "Why the shark? And why the side of your head?" "Survival of the fittest" he said "and the side of my head because I wanted to," he finished smirking. "Well that's pretty stupid cause I bet that was fucking painful." I said "Don't you have any tattoos?" he asked being curious. "No, my folks would flip shit." I said laughing and suddenly remembering how much I missed my parents. "You should get one while on tour,"he said. "Oh hell no" I said quickly. "Why not? You seem like the rocker type to have a sleeve or something," he said. "While I may seem like the rocker type now, in 5 years when I graduate law school a sleeve will not look good." I said staring off into the distance. "So you're that girl huh," he said jokingly. "What do you mean by that?" I asked. "Well I mean you look like you're a rock star,but you're actually this super smart girl." He said as if he knew who I was and my whole story. "I wouldn't say I'm THAT girl, but I guess it's close enough."I said. I was actually starting to enjoy the conversation when I realized that I shouldn't be enjoying it. "Well it was nice meeting you Radke," I said as I stuck my hand out to shake his. "Nice meeting you too Henry," He said meeting my hand in the middle. Wow he was strong cause his handshake was ridiculous. I went back to the bus to get ready for bed and try to forget about my conversation with Ronnie. For someone who is a self-proclaimed asshole, he acted surprisingly nice. Oh well, I just want some more sleep.

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