Chapter 15

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I couldn't tell if he spotted me or not and that in itself was causing me to panic while trying to eat. He doesn't know where I am or what I'm doing with my life anymore. He chose to leave and I don't owe him any explanation or even the time of day.

Ronnie had gotten the most unhealthy food he could order and was cramming it in his mouth so quick it looked like he might eat the napkin by accident. He was so handsome, how did he ever notice me? I was nobody but to him I was somebody. Am I falling for Ronnie? I just might be, but it's too soon to tell. I was finally starting to calm down. Ronnie hadn't said anything since he was still inhaling his food.

Green eyes, I see green eyes. There so close I'm shaking. He's there smiling softly at me just a few feet away. Ronnie can now see the panic I've been feeling. I'm actually going to vomit. He opens his mouth and I can feel it coming up. He's introducing himself to Ronnie and it's in my throat. He finishes and it finally comes out of my mouth. Not actual vomit, but words. Angry words, yelling. I can't control it anymore. This wound was almost healed and I won't be broken again. I stop to take a breath and then go again when I feel the actual vomit coming up. It flies out before I can stop it as well. Ronnie sits there completely confused as I lean over a trash can. It's all over now.

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