Chapter 1 ~ Guess who's back!

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“Ana! Come on Ana we’re going to be late for school!” my best friend yelled honking her horn like a mad woman. She can be really annoying but I love her and wouldn’t trade her for anyone in the world.

“I’m coming Kelly sheesh you don’t have to wake up the whole neighborhood!” I was half serious and half joking as I jumped into her beat up old blue Volkswagen.

“It gets your lazy butt moving doesn’t it!” she gladly pointed out.

“Whatever Kel just drive before we really are late.”

“Alright…alright.” And she stepped on the gas like there was no tomorrow. I love her but she is kind of a scary driver, though I kind of have no choice but to let her drive me since I have no car to drive. My stupid step father said it would be a waste of money and that I don’t need a car. I just think he thinks if I have a car I would drive off never to be seen again, and well he wouldn’t be far off with that.

“So did you hear about Zack coming back?”

“I think when it’s on every news station in the state of Kansas it’s hard not to know about it Kelly.” I grumbled, holding onto my seat for dear life as she just ran a red light.

“Well I just can’t believe he has the nerve to show his face after everything he’s done to you. I don’t care if he’s this big movie star I’ll punch his lights right out the minute I see him.”

I laughed as much as I would like that to happen I don’t want any more attention to myself or her, “I have no doubt you would Kel but I really just want to stay out of the spotlight as much as possible this year please!”

“Oh yeah I forgot, I’m sorry Ana.”

“No it’s alright Kel we’ll be leaving after this year anyway right?”

“Yep we’ll be off to New York. You to be a totally awesome dancer and singer, and me to be a totally amazing fashion designer who will be your personal stylist when you’re all famous and stuff!”

“You got that right!” 

“Hey how are my two favorite girls today!” a voice called as we entered the school.

“Always the charmer aren’t you Matt.” I laughed as he walked his way over to us.

“Oh you know me!” he beamed giving us both a hug and a quick kiss on the cheek.

Yeah they were brother and sister, the closest pair of siblings I have ever seen like no joke they were like the best of friends. Just like they were to me I always felt like a member of their family when I was with them; which made them as loyal to me as I was to them. Because even though they both qualified to be in the ‘it’ crowd of our high school, since Matt was on the football team and Kelly was blonde enough cool enough and pretty enough to be one of them, they decided to stick with me; and I loved them both for that more than I could ever tell them.

“Can I start riding with you Matt? Your sister keeps trying to kill me by giving me a heart attack!”

“What I am not!”

“Hun you ran three red lights, a stop sign, and almost ran over a dog and a little old lady in her jalopy!”

“Seriously!?” Matt exclaimed.

“Yeah that poor old lady, she was so mad. I think she even flipped us off while she was screaming.”

Matt just sputtered out laughter like no tomorrow, and I am pretty sure he was one second away from rolling on the floor, “Oh my god that is just too funny!”

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