Christmas One Shot

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AN~ Hey Hi so the awesomeness that is me came p with a Christmas one shot! I know that Christmas is still 8days away but thats really not a lot and I really felt like writing! Ok this is about Remus, James, Sirius and Lily! YAY! They are all living together after graduation and it is Chistmas Time!

James and Lily are dating and they are in the Potter Cottage at Godric's Hallow. Harry isn't born yet, thats not til next year.


Mooney walked into the kitchen at 7:00 am expecting to find it empty but intead found Padfoot sitting at the kitchen table.

"Morning Sirius." Remus said as he opened the top cabinet to get a mug for his daily hot chocolate. "Eight Days til Christmas." Sirius sighted out. This happened every morning, Remus would say good morning and Sirius would say how many days til Christmas.

"What are you doing up so eairy? I thought it was the Sirius way not to wake up before 10." Remus asked as he sat down with his steaming cup of hot chocolate. Sirius answered but Remus never heard, for he had taken a sip of the hot chocolate and was obbivious to everything but it.

"Mornning Padfoot." James said as he entered the kitchen. 'Eight more days til Christmas." Sirius siaid as he waved his hand in front of Moony's face. Remus didn't respond. "Oi Prongs!" Sirius turned to James who was making a batch of coffee for himself and Lily. James turned towards Sirius and nodded his head to comfurm that he was listeneing. "Mooney is in his chocolate state."

James ran over, forgetting all about the coffee, and stared at Remus. "What should we do this time?" Prongs asked as he rubbed his hands together much like an evil scientist does after he comes up with a plan.

"We are going to do the most forrbidden thing in the history of forver! We are going to steal from Remus' chocolate frog supply."

James' eyes grew wide in horror. "Are you CRAZY!"

"Yes probably." Sirius answered. "But come on Prongs. I'm running low on them and I know you are out. I'm sure he won't notice if we take two small, innoccent chocolate frogs." James looked at Sirius with doubt in his eye. "Ok I guess that James Potter has gone soft on me since his dating of Lily Evans. I guess he doesn't like pranks anymore." Sirius started to walk away but found that he was ruffly pushed against the kitchen wall.

"You. Take. That. Back." James said threw gritted teeth. "I'll take it back once you take one of Remus' chocolate frogs." James looked over at Remus and he was still in his chocolate state. "Ok. I'll do it." James said as he turned back towards Padfoot.

"Great lets go." Sirius grabbed James by the wrist and pulled him out of the kitchen and into Mooney's bedroom up a floor. "Ok James open the door and head to under Remus' bed." James did as Sirius asked but when he was at the bed he turned around, "Wait you only said I had to get my chocolre frog, not that I had to get yours too."

"Damn I'd hope you'd forget that part. Ok here I come."  Sirius walked over and kneed down next to the bed by James. "Ok so his stash is under the bed? Isn't that kinda predictable?" James asked.

"Sure but he puts a lot of crazy spells on the box."

"Oh." James stared under the bed and he started to slowly reach for the box. When his hand came within reach an alarm went off. The next second Remus was in the room and holding both Sirius and James by their ears. Mooney dragged them out of his bedroom, wacked them both across the head and then slamed the door behind him.

"Well." Sirius said. "That went well." Then James too wacked Sirius across the back of his head.

~Later that day~

Mooney entered the kitchen again and checked to make sure that the coast was clear. Once seeing that no one was in the room Remus entered an headed to a wall in the far right corner.

Remus looked over his shoulder one last time to make sure no one saw him, and he placed his hand on the wall. After a second the wall moved a bit to the right letting a small gap appear, after another second stairs formed from the gap. Remus entered the secret chamber and started down the stairs, the wall closing behind him.

After about a half minute of walking Remus was at the bottom of the stairs. Right at the bottom was a light switch. Turning on the light revielled that the secret chamber was just a basement.

"Eight days til Christmas." Remus said to himself and then walked deeper into the basement.

At the end of the basement was a work bench much like Santa's Workbench. It had lots of different gift wrap and box's, bags anf tissue paper, ribbons and bows, sissors, tape and a huge pile of gifts ready to be wrapped.

Remus sighed. He had hoped that after they graduated Sirius would know that there really is no such thing as Santa. But no. It was almost a year after they had left Hogwarts and still  Sirius believed that Santa was real. And since they still beileved he was real, Remus was the one stuck with having to be all ninja and wrap the presents and then place them under the tree.

Mooney sighed again and then went to the large pile of gifts he had to wrap, and he didn't just have to wrap Sirius', he also had to wrap James' and Lily's. But Lily would wrap his. Remus placed the gift on the table, it was a large magical compus for Sirius' moterbike. Mooney grabbed some wrapping paper and then the siccors and tape.

But there was no tape. Remus silently cursed. He would have to go back upstairs and get more tape, and that could risk everything for Sirius or James might see him. But since he had no choice, Remus put down the compus and then headed back out of the basement and back up the stairs, the wall opened its-self and Remus steped threw.

He looked around and saw that neither James or Sirus were in the kitchen. Remus let out his breath that he was holding. He walked over to a cabinet and wrabbed two boxes of tape. Mooney walked back over to the far right corner and then opened the passgae, this time he wasn't so lucky.

"WHOA REMUS! What is this place?" Remus turned around to see Sirius standing behind him. "Oh Padfoot. This is the basement. Nothing exciting so why don't you and James go and try to steal from my chocolate frog collection.

But Sirius wasn't listening, he just walked past Mooney and down the stairs. Remus sighed again and then followed behind.

"See just a basement nothing exciting." Remus said in an attempt to get Sirius back up the stairs.

But Sirius didn't listen and instead asked, "Whats all the way back there with that light on?" Sirius was pointing right to the workbench.

"Nothing." Remus said a bit to quicky so of course Sirius went to go check it out. Padfoot ran all the way to the workbench and Remus just walked with his head down. "Remus? What is this?" Sirius asked once Mooney had caught up. "What are our Christmas presents going here? Shouldn't they be up at the north pole with Santa?"

"Sirius its time you know the truth. Santa isn't real." Sirius had a look on his face that suggested that he didn't know what to beileve. "But I thought we just told those first year Hufflepuff''s that to make them cry! We were telling the truth? Santa isn't real? NO NO NO SANTA IS REAL!" Sirius ran back up the stairs and to James.

"Oh James. Tell Sirius that their really isn't a Santa." Remus said to Prongs.

"Santa isn't real?" James asked.



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