About me

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Hi, my name is Angela Brown. I'm 17 years old and I have brown hair, hazel eyes, and slim but brittle body. My life is well.....horrible, constantly being bullied or tormented. I need a better life better place.

You know who I'm bullied by, ha guess, yah Harry, Liam, Louis, Niall, and Zayn. They are somewhat the same age, I just hate being tormented constantly like a chair being sat on, not to be noticed.

My mom always told me to forget rude things and just fly away. But you know what, doesn't work. Everyone I love dies, from my mom to my grandma. Living alone can be scary. You never know what's going to happen.

This world has bad and good people, from small to big. I'm still waiting for a perfect friend to be by my side. I had friends once named Jade and Mary. They turned there backs on me, well that wasn't expected huh.

They thought I wouldn't mind, but I did, i have no shoulder to cry on but a pillow, nobody to talk to but god. I just need one thing happy, always constantly thinking about suicide, you think I should? Maybe just Maybe I will but for right now give me strength.

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