Chapter 5

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Angela POV


I opened the door and....


I saw Harry standing there smiling evilly, "what?" I asked confused, "you know exactly why I'm here" he said lowly. "um... actually no I dont?" I said confidently.

"why? why are you hanging with that austin dude?" he said, "why do you care?!" I grew annoyed. "Because...." he managed to say, "well, you don't need to know so go away" I yelled.

I pushed the door shut but to be pushed against the wall, "remember that day when you hurt my sister" he said angrily "REMEMBER!" he yelled, "n-no" I said scared,

"you hit her, she cried to me, you should suffer like her" he said. I tried to remember but nothing, no memories of that. "I never hurt your sister" I said. "sure, that explains the bruises" he cried. I grew confused,

"All these years I wanted to put revenge on you" he said angrily as he stared into my eyes. "all these years" he said quietly, "I'd never do such a thing and you know that" I said, he chuckled and walked outside "you wait Angela, you wait"

He left me standing and confused, I shut the door and walked to my room to see the note from yesterday "you got three days" I replayed that in my head over and over.

"Why me" i. Looked up and cried, I called austin and told him to come over. As I waited, I dressed in sweats and a shirt. *ding* *dong* I walked to the door, worried to see if its austin.

I opened and saw austin smiling, "hi" he gave me a kiss and walked in. "so what's up?" he asked. "um.. sit" I said as I sat down. "what's wrong?" he asked worryingly.

"You know, all these years I've been bullied?" I told him, "by Harry and the guys, tormented constantly" I sighed "he is going to kill me in two days" I said on the verge of crying. "you need to call the police, angela" he said hugging me

I shook my head and cried "no use" I said and got up. "maybe we can move away from here" he said happily. "good idea, but would if he goes there" I said, he smiled "dont tell him then" he smiled "come on, pack up" he said and walked us towards my room.


"Morning Angela" austin said happily, "ready to go?" he said as he got up and stretched. "yes" I said and grabbed my things and ran towards Austin's car. "ok, first off, what about your clothes?" I said. "no need, I live in California." he said happily.

"Ok, let's go" I said as he drove to the airport. my life is going to be changed.

Harry POV

I got up and dragged myself to the bathroom and took a shower changing to blue shirt and gray hoodie with gray sweats and white high converse on.

I ran outside to the local Starbucks to buy a frappe. "hi, how may I help you?" a guy asked me, "I'll have a Carmel frappe, please"I said as he nodded and left.

I stood there waiting for my drinks,when I saw Taylor came in. ugh. I looked away and saw my frappe, I quickly grabbed it and walked away but stopped by Taylor "hi babe" I rolled my eyes "please go, I busy" I said and walked off.

I drank and walked off to Angela's house, I walked to her door and knocked. I grew angry and banged on the door, till I was tired and broke in.

I walked all over to see nothing but darkness, I ran upstairs and saw nothing. "where did she go?" I said and ran downstairs and grew confused. until I knew who "Austin" I said through gritted teeth.

I ran outside and to my house, I opened my door and called jake, "hello?" he said in his thick Australian accent. "uh. it's Harry" I said, he's good friends with austin, in fact he's cousin to him. "yes, Harry. what do you need" he asked.

I smiled deviously "can you see where you cousin austin is" I smiled and waited for an answer "yes, wait" I was put on hold until he came on "he's heading to America, California, 123 south Cali road."

I smiled and thanked him while hanging up "California here I go" I packed one week of clothes and supplies. I ran downstairs and called Niall, Zayn, Louis, and Liam. they need to come with me, "hey, get ready in five, bye" I said

I stormed outside and drove fast to their houses, Angela you shouldn't have done that.

Bullied to DeathOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora