Chapter 1

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Angela POV

*beep* *beep* *beep* "Oh My Gosh!'' I screamed and hit snooze "school!" I got up and changed into a black hoodie saying "u mad bro?" skinny ripped jeans black converse and mascara.

I sprayed "wild" perfume and brushed my teeth while running to get my backpack. I spit and ran to school, and on the way I got rude comments "get sun lately?" Taylor said, I rolled my eyes knowing she got a fake tan due to the orange skin.

I grabbed my biology book and tried to run to class ignoring stares and glares. "Yo, ugly duckling" a familiar voice said, I sighed and turned "y-yes" I stuttered. "w-why a-are you s-s-s-stuttering" he mockingly said. I groaned and sighed "yes" I said and he smirked "better"

he said and slammed the locker on my hand, I had my mouth shut and screamed. "whoops, sorry" he said. "jerk" I whispered, "what, what was that" he said and slapped me "you, tonight 5, ok" he said louder "I nodded and grabbed as he pushed weight on my locker. "OW" i said and cried while he left, I opened it up and saw the deep bruised edges

I stared at my bones an skin. I tried moving my hand but failed I cried and walked out of the school to the park. "why me" i said and sat down crying while holding my hand. Thank god it's the last day of school.

"Wow, what happened?" a guy said, I cried and looked up to see a guy my age with brown hair and hazel eyes. "nothing" I said and got up quickly "really what's that then" he pointed to my hand. I blushed and sighed "I got my hand jammed in a locker" I said and he had wide eyes. "lets get you to a hospital" he said and walked me to his car and helped me in.


"So how did this happen, mam" the doctor said I sighed and answered "someone slammed it on my hand by accident" he nodded and touched my hand and I hissed as it hurt bad.

"well you need a cast because two of your fingers are damaged or Broken from the locker." he said and I nodded. he left and in came the guy I still didn't know yet "hey" he said "hey" I answered

"Mind I ask, what's your name?" he said and I smiled "Angela" and he smiled and said his "mines austin" I smiled "thanks for takin me here, don't really have anyone to talk t--" I stopped because I forgot "what Time is it?" I said he checked "4:50, why?" he said I yelped "uh oh, I got to go" I said

I checked out and ran to the destination "well well well, early huh" Harry said, the one who did this to my hand "yes" I answered and sighed "oh, someone went to the babdull" he said, what? wow um that was dumb "babdull?" I said and he looked angrier "what back talking huh" he yelled and whistled "Liam, zayn, louis, and niall get you butts over here" he stared me down.

"Someone hasn't learned their lesson" he said and saw four eyes on me. Harry threw the first punch to my face. I fell down and prepared for another one coming "another one you get" he threw another to my gut and I was on the verge of puking.

I started to tear up but stopped myself because I didn't want to show them I'm weak. "here is for talking back" he kicked me in the back and punched me in the face. "here is for nothing" he laughed and punched me in the nose and soon everything went black.

Harry POV

She blacked out and layed there, I know you may think why do you beat her? well because when I was in middle school------

Flash back

"Harry" she laughed as I spun her around. "stop" she giggled and hit my back. I stopped and let her go and hugged her while we do our handshake. she left and ran home.

I got home to see my sister crying "what's wrong?" I asked, she faced me "um um.....Angela hit me" she managed to say and cried. "What, she wouldn't harm a fly" i said shockingly, "well she sure hurt me harry" she hiccuped. how dare she hit my sister, Thats no way ok. Ill teach her a lesson!


"Harry" angela smiled as I rolled me eyes, "what do you want FREAK!" I said as she stopped looking shocked at me. "Wh- what" she teared up "you heard me perfectly, FREAK" I said. "what did I do?" she said as I scoffed "you know exactly what you did" I poked her chest and slapped her "don't talk to me EVER!" I said as I walked away hearing her sobs "oh please" I mumbled

End of flashback------

There is that, that is why she deserved that. She deserves to suffer through her lies. "lad, I think we should help her'' Liam said, "you gonna help her" I said and shook my head "no, lets go" I said and we walked off leaving her behind. We would still be friends, if she hadn't hurt my sister. SHE CAN DIE FOR ALL I CARE!

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