Chapter Two: Goodbye

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Yeonhee P.O.V
(A week later)

The day had came, he had to leave. One of my worst fears was coming true, Taeyong was leaving my side. We said our goodbyes. Then Taeyong came up to me and told me he would never forget about me. After his sentence I broke down crying. I ran to him and hugged him telling him that I would miss him a lot and that when he debuts I will be right next to him cheering him on.

(Two years later)

Two years had passed ever since Taeyong left. Walking to school by my self was super weird, sitting by myself was weird, and the worst part was feeling lonely. I felt like a HUGE part of me was gone.

"YEONHEE" Soolhyun screamed.

This girl is crazy.( Soolhyun is my best friend).

"What Soolhyun why scream" I asked her in a confused expression.

"SM is having additions in our school in five day!"

"Really" I was so suprised. Then I has the most genius plan ever. If I got into SM maybe I could hang out with Taeyong!"OK let's do it" I told Soolhyun.

(Five days later)

The day had come. It's a Sunday and my addition is at 12. We arrive 1 hour early. As we walk toward the auditorium we can see exo helping with the additions. We look at each other in a fangirl expression. But then some girls pushed us and ran straight to exo, so we just sat down in a line waiting to addition. After 30 minutes of waiting it was finally our turn. I sang heaven by aliee. After we were all done Soolhyun and I went to the cafe that was just down the street. As usual I got an iced coffee with chocolate chip cookies. I remember when me and Taeyong used to go to this cafe after school on Fridays.

A week had passed and the same thing happened once again. Soolhyun called me telling me that she got into SM while on the other hand I still didn't get a call from SM. I was so happy for her. Then my mom called me and told me she had to tell me something very important. So I told Soolhyun that I would call her afterwards. After she hung up I went down stairs and saw my mom smiling at me. She told me...........

that I got into SM!

I called Soolhyun right away and told her the news we both screamed with joy. I started packing right away because I needed to leave in 5 days.

[I hope you enjoyed this chapter,]
(I don't really have anybody else talking but the next chapter you will)

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