Chapter 16: I dont Know What To Do Anymore

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Yeonhee POV

I thought he was going to kiss me. ughhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!! But I guess it's fine. I turned around and walked inside the dorm meeting my manager...

"Yahh! Yeonhee, where were you? You messed up our entire schedule today!!!" She yelled.

"I thought that we didn't have any schedules today though."

"Did you forget already? We all talked about this a week ago and you were so exited about meeting the new president of South Korea."


"Next week the president will be coming to the sm building at 10pm so, we all have to be there because he requested to meet only us. So please be good and don't embarrass us (SM entertainment). If anyone messes this up they will have to run 50 laps while singing over and over without stoping. "

"Yes ma'am!" We all said together.


"Okay." Ms. Kim said while smiling.


"Oh yeah... Right.."

"After practice tomorrow you will run around the field 50 times. While singing dumb dumb nonstop."

"Okay" I said quietly.

"Go to sleep now and wake up at 5am sharp." She said while closing the door behind her.

"Five hours of sleep isn't that bad." I thought to myself while going to sleep.

Next morning

We woke up at 5 am. I was kinda scared for this day to be honest.. I don't want to run 50 laps. The field is really big. But I guess... This is what I get for going on a date with Chanyeol but it's okay because I love him! (Are you sure about that??????).

3rd person P.O.V

Yeonhee slowly got out of bed. Step by step. First thing she did was go to the bathroom to use the bathroom, wash her face, brush her teeth, and comb her hair. After that she went to she kitchen to get food.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Yeonhee screamed.

"WHAT!? WHAT Happened​?" Jessica said as she rushed into the kitchen.

"There's no food!" She sob. (This is literally me at home when there's no food).😂😂

"That's because we're on a diet! We have a comback in 1 month." Jessica replied.

"Oh yeah.."

"But hurry and get ready we have to be at the studio by 6 or else we don't get any food today."
"No food!!! Okay don't worry!" Yeonhee said as she rushed into her room to get ready.

"That's what you said last time and you have to run 50 laps now." She said to herself while walking back to the living room.

5:59 (5 seconds until 6)

"We're here!!!" The girls yelled out of breath.

"Just in time. I guess you guys really want food." She chuckled.

"We can't live without food." Yeonhee said out of breath.

"Okay well hurry today we will be starting our choreography of dumb dumb." Our dance instructor announced.

7 hours later

After 7 hours of dancing non-stop we finally have 1 min done.(This is actually pretty good for a 7 hour dance practice. I'm a dancer and it takes us 4 hours to only have 30 seconds for dance.) We only get a 15 minute break then after that another more hours for practice.

15 minutes later

"Okay girls 5 more hours until we're done! So let's get started!!" Ms. Kang yelled.

5 hours later

After 5 hours they were finally done with practice. Except for yeonhee.. Yeonhee walked out of the dance room hoping that didn't remember that she had to run laps.

She had successfully walked/ran (but she mostly ran) back to the doorm thinking she was slick but she was wrong.

Yeonhee P.O.V.

"Im safe." She exclaimed out of breath.

"No your not."

Yeonhee slowly turned around to see Ms.Kim looking at her while crossing her arms. She looked as if she were gonna kill something or someone...

"Didn't you have to run laps Ms.Oh?" She spoke.

"Umm..... No?" I said while covering my ears with my hair.

"Then why are your ears red?"

'Damn it!!' I thought to myself.

"I should start running now." I said while running to the field.

I finally got to the field. I put down all my stuff.

"Then can I get a kiss." I heard someone say.

'That voice sounds like Chanyeol's voice.' I thought to myself.

I slowly followed the voices. To only see Hani and Chanyeol. I stayed behind the dumpster. Because it was the only place I could hide without being seen.

"So when are you gonna become my girlfriend Hani I took Yeonhee on a date and made her think I loved her. I did everything you told me to do. Why can't you be my girlfriend already?"

"Because I want you to ask her to be her girlfriend and kiss her, then take her virginity and take photos of her and expose her."

"But I can't wait I want to be with you and only you right now."

"Fine then if I give you a kiss then will you stop asking?"


They slowly leaned in and kissed....

I just watched in place. I wanted to look away but I couldn't. I just sat there in place, heart broken. My heart shattered into pieces. But I'm happy I found out before anything more could happen. I really thought he was the one.. well it's not his fault, it was Hani's. He was just doing it for love. I guess love can really make you do crazy things.

He slowly walked away. I finally came back to my senses and realized that Hani was coming my way. I quickly but silently ran away back to the field.

I got back to the bleachers and sat down out of breath. Hani walked by and gave me a death glare.

"Well I should probably start running my 50 laps while singing." I say as I got up.

I ran and ran. I was on my 13 lap and I was exausted. I wasn't even half way. My throat was super dry (like my line 😭😭😂) from all that singing and running. I was dying, I needed water but my dumb self forgot it in the dorm. And I couldn't stop running because i decided to go on a "date".

"Yah Yeonhee why are you running?" Teayong yelled.

"I got in trouble so I have to run 50 laps while singing."

"Then I'll run with you." He said while running to my side.

We ran 10 more laps and I couldn't take it anymore. I was so tired. I started slowing down. Taeyong noticed that I was slowing down so he stopped all of a sudden. He came right in front of me and kneeled down as if he was gonna give me a piggy back ride.

"Pali, get on. She never said that you couldn't go around the track on someone back. Plus you seem tired."

"But arent you tired too?" I asked.

"This is what "best friends" are for right?" He said with a smile.

"Umm... Okay then." I say as I get on his back.

He carried me around the field. I just laid my head on his shoulders. I kept singing, but instead of dumb dumb I sang downpour.

"This is just a downpour." I sang.
'It really is a downpour' Taeyong thought to himself.

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